Ah, Hello people who read this book, I'm glad you are liking it so far!! I try my best to update so yeah- enjoy, Buckos!
Readers POV
I stared at him with utter disbelief, he can't be serious, right? He stops in his tracks and looks back at me. "You know If you do this, you can become an accomplice to murder, right?" I couldn't say anything, I mean of course I knew this. Did I really wanna go to jail for him?
"Yes." I said almost in a whisper, he chuckles, "Okay then, let's go!" He said happily, it's like murdering someone made his day. I follow behind him, wearing my black hoodie and black leggings, pulling my hoodie over my head to hide myself. Devil was lucky, he had a fucking mask on. "Are you uncomfortable?" He asked, turning around to face me, I stop walking and look back up at him with dull eyes. No duh sherlock I'm uncomfortable.
"Yes, Devil, I am uncomfortable, Thanks for asking." I say and walk Passed him, he watches me and follows behind. Now it was his turn to mope in self-pity.
"There." He says suddenly, making me look up at a funny walking female who seemed drunk.
Ah, so that's why.
I then looked over at Devil who sees the female alone, "You don't have to watch." He says with a chuckle at the end of his sentence, I hum, knowing I didn't have to. But I also knew, I'd have to get used to this behavior from him anyways, so why not? "Alright, let's go." I grab his bat from him which left him speechless. I then follow behind the women who went into a dead in Alleyway by accident, "H-Hey, do you know where my car is..?" She slurred out. I stared at her blankly before swinging the bat and bashing her head. Her body going limp just from the first hit. The blood splatter getting everywhere on my clothes.
Is this what Devil finds so fun?
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed, Staring Down at the dead body in front of me. "What?" I asker, staring up at him with confusion, "Let's go kill another." He said with a happy tone, I nod and hand him back his bat, leaving the Alleyway before he did and trying find another person for tonight. "Hey cutie." A male called out from behind me, slithering his hands onto my waist. Making me use my reflexes and elbow him in the gut.
"Fuck off me." I hissed turning around to face him, I turn around round and look back at Devil, he comes up to me and hits the guy in the head with the bat while he was down. We were in front of a store parking lot, just left an Alleyway, somebody's bound to see us at the moment.
"Put your weapon down!!" Someone called out, knife in hand, I turn away so I could hide my face. I hear Devil lunge towards him and I hear a few hits being blown. I finally take the liberty to look after it went silent once again. "Devil?" I called out, feeling him sweep me up and run down the road in the direction the apartment was at.
I shouted, many people turned to look at us as we passed by, especially Devil. He was covered in blood, I then got put down when he tells me to unlock the apartment door, once I did I see him push past me. Him running towards the bathroom, blood dripping down onto my hardfloors. "Devil!" I shout once more, following him and when he reaches my bathroom, he grabs the med kit under the sink.
I didn't have a med kit before.
"Devil, What happened?!" I asked a but worried, he shook his head, "It's fine, this shit happens all the time to me." He says with a chuckle at the end, I frowned. Did he get hurt? "What type of wound is it?" I asked, and d finishes wrapping the wound after taking his pants off. "Knife." He says bluntly, breathing Heavily as he looks The other way. "Fuck, Devil, you need to tell me this shit, okay?!" I snapped, getting up off the floor and standing over him. "I'm fucking fine, this shit happens all the time when I have a fighter."
"Did you have fun at least?" He asked me, throwing off his mask, and running his fingers through his hair. I stare at him, taking in his features, did he just show me his face on accident? Or is this on purpose?
"I had fun, but it would've been even funner if you hadn't gotten stabbed." I said with a scoff, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "Oh fuck off, you still had fun." He says rolling his eyes, I then turn the other way, "Uhm, I'm not looking at you without your mask." I say and he snorts, laughing a bit, "Weren't you complaining two days ago about not showing my face to you?" I stomp my foot, "Shut the fuck up, that was two days ago."
He continues to laugh at me, getting up and limping passed me with his mask in his hand.
He made his way to the guest room, also known as his room now since he's apparently taking charge of it. I then follow him, watching him struggle to sit down at the edge of his bed. I lean against the door frame waiting for him to notice me or make some type of reaction at least.
He sighs and looks up at me, "What is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I stayed quiet and shrugged, "Nothing, I just have one final question for you that's gonna finalize our friendship with each other, if you still wanna call it that." I say and he smirks, "Shoot."
"What's your real name, Devil?"
He stares at me for a second Before saying anything, the smirk on his face gone.
"It's logan."

CASUAL;; devil x reader
RandomIt's a devil X reader since I see nobody has made one yet on Wattpad and I'm Hella disappointed. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Devil' At least that's what they call him, no one has seen his face, or even heard his name. Wh...