Danielle's Point Of Veiw

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   "Dem, you look great! Mason will not be able to take his eyes off of you!"

    "Thanks Dani!"

   "No problem, Sweetie." Demi and I have known each other for years. We have always had stuff to do and we have always hung out. It's usually Ronnie, Demi, Miley, Selena, Taylor and I. They are my brides maids and my best friends. We are having our wedding in December seventeenth, my grandparent's wedding anniversary. My grandma passed away when I first met Kevin. I was thankful that she got to meet him. We were best friends and I talked to her about everything and it always breaks my heart to think that she's gone. A tear rolled down my face.

    "What's wrong, Dani?"

     "Nothing, I was thinking about my grandma. No big deal."

     "It's okay Dani! It will get better I promise!" She told me

    "We better get out there, you know how they hate waiting on us." I told her.

    "You're right, they can be assholes sometimes." Demi said as I opened the door. Kevin was pulling into the driveway.

    "We didn't have to wait long!" I told Demi, we giggled as we climbed into the car.

    "Hey sweetie. "Kevin said kissing my on the cheek.

    "Hey." I said putting my seat belt on and taking his hand in mine. Kevin started driving to the diner where we always eat at.

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