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After talking to Nia for a few hours, Lola then pulled herself together and went to the grocery store to get the things she needed to get back with life. Before Shannon found the box, before these unwanted memories, she just wanted to go get ingredients to cook dinner for her family.

So that's what she did. She put the box in the trunk of her car, underneath the bottom, where her spare tire was. No one would ever look there.

She wanted to forget again. But she can't do what she did last time to forget. She can't put herself through that again.

Scared of her own thoughts, Lola turned on the radio.

She went to the grocery store and got all the necessary ingredients to make her spaghetti dinner. Angel hair pasta, garlic and herb flavored tomato sauce, ground beef, shredded cheese, garlic toast, french style green beans.

Lola slowly walked down every aisle, examining every product on every shelf. When she got to the wine aisle, she bought three bottles.

She went home, she washed her hands, she got started with dinner. The noodles were cooked and her meat sauce was settling in. Smelling the delicious smell of her favorite meal by her mom, Shannon came down from her room.

She slowly walked down the steps, curious to see what type of mood her mother was in. Last time Shannon saw her mother, she was clearly upset about the box.

Shannon got to the end of the steps, turned and walked into the kitchen to see her mom pouring up a glass of wine. Seeing her mother drink didn't bother her. It was normal for her mother to have a few glasses of wine after a stressful situation. If it's really bad, she would even smoke a little weed. Shannon knew all of these things about her mother but never judged her for them.

"It smells good in here." Shannon said, making her presence known to her mother.

Lola turned around, leaning on the counter next to the refrigerator. Shannon sat down at the island counter.

"Yeah, I know it's your favorite." Lola said.

Shannon couldn't help but to think about the small incident that happened between them a couple of hours ago.

"Are you mad at me for finding that box?" Shannon asked, flat out.

Lola took a nice sip of her wine and looked Shannon in her eyes. She thought maybe it was time to just be real with her daughter.

"I'm not mad at you, Shannon. I'm mad at the box. I should have gotten rid of it a long time ago. I don't want you to go on and start thinking that I'm in love with another man because I'm not. I've been married to your father before you were even thought about." Lola responded.

"Well this man obviously meant a lot to you! I've seen movies about long lost loves! I know how people can change their minds and then split their families up!" Shannon retorted.

Lola groaned.

"Shannon, do you even hear yourself? You're comparing my life to some shit in the movies? In real life, it doesn't go like that. You need to wake up. That was over sixteen years ago! I haven't talked to Karlos in over sixteen years! Do you know how much my life has changed in sixteen years?" Lola explained.

Shannon sighed and dropped her head. Her mom was making sense.

"Sixteen years ago, you weren't even born."

Lola turned around to check on the food.

"Mom, I'm sorry." Shannon apologized.

"I just love daddy and I don't want anyone to come in between our family."

Shannon felt herself about to cry and tried to hold it in, but let out soft sniffles.

Lola turned around and went over to hug Shannon. She held her daughter and said, "I love your daddy too. I'm not leaving you or your daddy for anything! He doesn't even know about the box."

"What did you do with it?" Shannon asked.

"I threw it away." Lola lied.

"Good! I won't tell him either."

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