Coming out.

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Sasha P.O.V

- Wrestlemania Week -

I've been staying at becky's for 4 weeks now. Me and sarath did got divorced last week so now I am free woman.

I feel like these pass few I've been staying at becky's, me and becky gotten closer as friends.

Becky made us breakfast. I sat next to her at the table, eating breakfast.

"I love your cooking becks" I say

"I know me to" becky says

I chuckled

"Dont choke now" becky says

"You ready for wrestlemania?" I asked

"Yups" becky says

"Me too" I say

"Sasha?" Becky says

"Yeah" I say

"I'm gay" becky says

I was shocked

"Becky I'm proud of you" I say

"Proud of what?" Becky says

"I'm proud of you coming out and it probably took a lot of courage" I say

"It did take a take a lot of courage" becky says

"Does the others know?" I asked

"Yes they do" becky says

"Oh how come you didn't tell me?" I asked

"Because I afraid you wouldn't expect me for who I am" becky says

"How could I not expect you for you are, becky I love you..." I say

Becky P.O.V

I smile at sasha

"And your my bestfriend" sasha says

"Thanks bossy" I say

I get up and put my dish in the sink

"Bossy it's your turn to wash the dishes" I say

"Ok orange" I say

I walked over to sasha picked her up and walked to the couch and choke slammed gently as possible.

"Dont Mess with The Man" I say

"Ok I won't" sasha says

*20 mins later*

Me and sasha were chilling on the couch.

"Hey becks?" sasha says

"Yeah" I say

"Do you have a crush on someone?" Sasha asks

I want to tell she my crush and I frickin love her but I dont know if sasha likes me that way.

"No" I say

"Oh okay" sasha says

"Why?" I asked

"Nevermind" sasha says

"Okay" I say awkwardly

*2 hours passed and bayley and char was here*

Bayley and sasha were outside taking pictures

"So I told sasha I'm gay" I say

"Really?" Char says

"Yes and she was super supportive" I say

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