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Becky's POV

Sasha was doing an interview for the Mandalorian, and let me say this I am so fucking proud of my girlfriend. She is an extraordinary actress. [I'm proud of her to] anyways me and Roux are going to Carmella house to fix this situation because I am overprotective of my girlfriend and my daughter also I want to kick that  blonde girl's ass.

20+ mins later

I knocked on Carmella's house door and she surprisingly opened the door.

"Becky? W-what are you doing at my house?" Carmella asked

"We need to talk" I said

I pushed the stroller into the house

"...well come right in" Carmella rolled her eyes

I sat at counter in the her kitchen

"Wasssup bex" Carmella said

"Are you bullying my wife?" Becky asked

"What? No I'm not, I'm not a frickin 5th grader" Carmella said

"She came to me crying and said you been saying shit to her face. So your basically lying" I said

"You know what fine I did say that shit to her" Carmella admits

"If you keep talking shit about her, I wont hesitate to kick your ass" I said

*after that becky went home*

Sasha POV

"Hey babe you home?" I said as walked in the house

Becky didn't respond

"Babe..?" I called out

Still no response

I walked into Roux Nursery to see Becky breastfeeding Roux

"Hi love" Becky said

I smiled softly at her

"Hi babe" I said

"So how was your interview?" Becky asked

"It was amazing, how was your morning with Roux?" I asked

"It was somewhat exciting for me" Becky said

"Did you do something?" I asked

"Just stayed home and cleaned up the house that's all" Becky said

"And that exciting?" I asked

"Yeah for me it was" Becky chuckles

I kissed Becky's cheek

"I think my lip hurts.." Becky pouts

"You do this every time I kiss you on your cheek babe" I said

"Please baby" Becky said

I pecked Becky's lip

"I gotta go make us lunch-" I said

"Wait that was only a peck not a real kiss come on.." Becky whined

"Needy much?" I asked

"Very now give me a kiss" Becky said

I kissed Becky and she kissed back

"How did you turn into me?" I chuckle

"Oh hush" Becky said

I left the Nursery and went into the kitchen to cook some lunch for me and Becky. Soon Becky came in the kitchen and sat at Island.

"Hey love?" Becky asked

"Yeah" I replied

"So I talked to Mella today" Becky said

"You did wha-"

"I'm trying to help you so don't get mad at me" Becky said

"I can fight my own battles ya know!" I said

"Calm down babe and I recall you crying to me that Mella was bullying you so I wanted to help you out because that's what girlfriends do" Becky said

"I didn't even come crying to you about that! I just told you so that didn't mean I asked you to help me!" I said

Becky sighs

"I was only trying to be a good girlfriend" Becky said

"And yet you ruined my career thanks a lot! You want an award for best girlfriend now?! Huh?!" I yelled

"Your ass can sleep somewhere else tonight cause you are no longer sleeping at my house!" Becky yelled

Roux woke up crying then Becky went to the Nursery to take care of Roux.

I sighed to myself


I knocked on the door

The door opened "babe pizz-...Cedes what are you doing here?" Bayley asked

"Can I stay here for the night?" I asked

"Yeah yeah sure come in" Bayley said

I walked into house and I heard Bayley shut the door behind me

"Mer what are you doing?" Charlotte asked as I sat on sofa in their living room

"Me and bex got into a fight so she kick me out for a bit" I said

"I'm sorry" Charlotte said

"It's alright it's my stupid ass fault anyways" I said

Bayley gave me a hug from behind

"It's going to be alright because you two are going get back together soon" Bayley said

"Yeah you guys are get through this" Charlotte said

I nodded

"Thank you guys and thanks for letting me stay the night" I said

Bayley and Charlotte smiled

"Anytime bud" Bayley said

"Yeah mer if you need anything then more than welcome to come to us for help" Charlotte said

I smiled softly

I am so thankful for my friends that have because they are so wonderful and I couldn't ask for better friends. I feel terrible about starting that argument with Becky..she was only trying to help but I didn't realize that til' now. I miss Becky and Roux even though it's been 2 hours haven't seen them but it feels like forever...I really fucked this one up big time.

A/N: pls vote and did you guys enjoy this? Btw what are you guys favorite book that I wrote?

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