Love Me Tender

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Did you ever wonder if one day, you would meet someone who would change your world? I didn't know it yet, but it would happen to me. This person would save me from a life I knew, giving me an experience that I deserved.

I come from a life of wealth and privilege. My parents planned an experience for me since the day I was born. One thing they prepared for me was a relationship to Bradley Winthorpe, the third and a marriage. Yes, it sounds pompous because it is. My parents offered my hand in marriage to Bradley's parents since they wanted to maintain an image.

I didn't want any part of it. No one should arrange a marriage. It should be between two individuals who love each other. I didn't even like Bradley. I found him arrogant and annoying.

"Natalie, did you hear me?" My mom asked as I glanced at her. "I said that we're having dinner with Bradley's parents. We're discussing your future."

I moved my food around with my fork. "Yes, I heard you. Is it necessary to discuss a future when I'm seventeen and still in high school?" I questioned.

"What do you expect to do with your life?" My mom questioned as Dad ate breakfast.

"Well, graduate and attend college," I answered.

My mom scoffed at the notion of me attending college. She felt marriage to a dull man suited me better than educating myself.

"You won't need college when you marry Bradley. Stop with that nonsense," Mom ordered.

My dad glanced at us as I sat there, stewing at my mom's ideas. I hated hearing Mom mention my future while neglecting what I wanted.

"Excuse me, I need to get to school before I'm late," I said, getting out of my seat.

"We'll discuss the matter later!" Mom yelled as I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed my bag and left my house to see Krystal waiting for me. I walked towards her car, tossed my bag into the backseat, and climbed into the front.

"Why do you look pissed off?" Krystal asked, curiously.

"It's my mom discussing my future with king dullness again," I answered as Krystal backed out of the driveway. She drove to school.

"Why don't you tell your mom that you hate the idea of an arraigned marriage? Who does that, anyway?" Krystal questioned.

"Rich people do, and I have. She ignores me," I replied.

"What does your dad say about this?" She asked me.

"My dad goes along with it because it's better than arguing with my mom," I responded.

"So, nothing," Krystal said.

"Yep," I answered.

"Well, you are staying at my house tonight, and we're going to a party," Krystal mentioned.

"Who has a party on a school night?" I asked.

"Rodney," we both said.

Rodney Banks is a trust fund baby, who prefers to have a good time, then deal with the snobby rich kids at school. He didn't care who you were, but if you were cool and liked to party. He was our best friend.

Krystal Harrington's family made money in stocks and oil. She wasn't your typical rich kid and hated lavish parties. Her parents didn't act rich, which was a plus. She's my other best friend.

Between Rodney and Krystal, life was better than at home. It would be Rodney's party where I would meet someone that would change my world.


I worked on the press line, creating parts while people talked around me. It was your typical shop talk. I didn't mind since I didn't plan on doing factory work for the rest of my life.

"Hey, Luke! Got any plans tonight?" Bert asked.

"I'm meeting up with some friends later! Why?" I yelled.

"The guys and I were heading to Rosie's after our shift!" Bert yelled.

"You know I can't get into Rosie's! I'm not legal!" I yelled.

"Manny doesn't care! He never cards anyone!" Bert yelled.

"I'll pass!" I yelled.

"Suit yourself!" Bert yelled back.

I continued with my work. The bar scene wasn't for me. The guys at work invited me, but I declined. I had my reasons. First, I wasn't legal. Two, I took classes after work to earn a degree. Third, I was better off not getting into trouble.

I went to work in a factory after high school to help my mom with the bills and attend college. I owe the woman everything after my dad died. She worked her ass off to make sure I graduated and support us. She deserved help.

Most people consider me a nice boy and boring. I don't see it that way. I see someone who endured a storm, and I wanted to give my mom a rainbow. My dad told me that every storm produces a rainbow, and we must find it. I believe that.

I finished up my shift and clocked out. My boss caught me before I left.

"Luke, I have extra shifts if you need them," he offered.

"Yeah, sounds good, Greg. My mom could use the money," I mentioned.

"I'll let you know what's available," Greg told me.

I nodded and left. I went home and walked in, making my way to the kitchen. I walked over to my mom and kissed her cheeks as she made dinner.

"How was work?" Mom asked.

"Not bad, the guys asked me to go to Rosie's," I mentioned.

Mom gave me her infamous look.

"I declined," I assured her.

"Good, because your dad wouldn't want you to become a barfly. Alcohol doesn't help," Mom reasoned.

"I know. Greg offered me extra shifts," I said.

"Luke, you have enough without working yourself to death," Mom told me.

"We need the money," I reasoned.

"We're okay. You need a life besides work and school. How do you expect to meet a nice girl if you're busy?" Mom questioned.

"I'm twenty. I have plenty of time to meet a nice girl," I answered.

Mom chuckled as I smiled. My mom wants me to meet a nice girl so that I can give her grandchildren. I want to make sure that I can support said, nice girl. Who wants to date a bum?

"Rodney is having a party," I mentioned, setting the table.

"It amazes me that you still talk to people you went to school with, most don't," Mom mentioned.

"I have no beef with the people I went to school with even if they come from wealthy backgrounds. I got along with everyone," I reminded my mom.

"Because you're a nice boy who doesn't have a mean bone in his body. You make your dad proud," Mom mentioned.

"It cost nothing to be kind, and it's better than acting nasty. I would rather help people than not. What sense is that?" I questioned.

My mom looked at me and smiled. People assume it's an act with me, but it's not. I don't have a mean bone in my body. My parents sent me to a private school so that I would have a chance at a better life. When dad died, mom applied for help, and because of my grades, we received it. It made me grateful for a chance.

I figure when the time comes, I will help someone that needed it. We all need a rainbow in our lives.

If you haven't figured it out, this is the prequel to Begging On Your Knees. Since many readers fell in love with Amelia's dad Luke, I figure I would give you a chance to see what Luke was like before the kids.

Before an ending, we must have a beginning, and this is the story of how Luke met Natalie. Expect humor, romance, drama, and a rainbow. We all need a rainbow after a storm.

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