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Reed came over and helped me. We became best friends. He's the only kid that talks to me at school. I wish we were in the same class.

I learned how to take care of myself while reading books. I like the books. I made friends with the characters in them. My mom is sick again. I don't see my dad. I don't know why my dad left? I ask mom, but she says said I made my dad go.

Reed brought me food and made me hide it. He said my mom would get mad if she found out. My mom is too sick to notice. I take care of her when she's sick.

A lady offers me to take me to school. I think it's Lia's mom because Lia sits in the backseat with me. I don't know.

Aria and Lily say mean things to me. I don't like them. I sit in class and lay my head on the desk so that no one says mean something to me. My teacher is pleasant to me.

When we go outside for recess, I stay in the classroom and read.

"Colton? Don't you want to play with the other kids?" The teacher asks me.

"Do I have to play with them? The kids aren't nice. Can I read instead?" I asked.

"If that's what you want," the teacher answered.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied.

"Okay, then you explain to me about your book," the teacher suggested, offering a smile. I like her smile. No one smiles at me except for the lady that drives me to school.

Maybe if I'm okay, Reed and the lady won't leave me. After school, the lady took me home. She left, and Reed ran over to me.

"Hey, Colton," Reed greeted me.

"Hey," I said, kicking the ground with my foot.

"What's wrong?" Reed asked.

"Nothing," I answer, staring at the ground with my hands shoved in my pockets.

"Are you sure?" Reed asked me.

"You won't leave me, will ya?" I mumbled.

"Nope, because we're best friends and friends don't leave," Reed promised.

"Okay," I answered.

We went to my house, and I took my bag upstairs. I came downstairs, then left with Reed. We went and climbed trees.

"Why can't I come over to your house?" I asked Reed, swinging from a branch.

"My dad doesn't like strangers in the house," Reed said, climbing the tree.

"But I'm not a stranger. We're best friends," I told Reed.

"Dad has rules. I have to follow them," Reed replied.

I didn't ask any more questions because Reed wouldn't tell me. We played, then Reed went home. I walked home and entered the house.

"Where have you been, you little bastard?" Mom questioned, not sounding okay.

"I played with a friend," I answered.

"Ha! No one wants to be your friend. You lie," Mom yelled.

"I don't lie," I replied.

"You lie like everyone. Clean up this mess!" Mom ordered.

I watched my mom walk funny as I clean up the house. Reed taught me to clean. With Dad gone, Reed brings me food. Dad got me food until he left. Mom never buys me food.

The neighbor offers me money to do chores. Someone knocked at the door, and I answered it.

"Hi, Colton. Are you busy?" The neighbor asked.

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