Hanta x Female reader

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Part 2
(Btw that photo of Sero kinda looks like me but without the tape elbows and colour different hair)

Warning!! Mention of self harm and suicidal thoughts!

When you were done you went to get something since you haven't eaten in a while Shinso went with you, while walking you seen mina who ran to hug you "Y/n you were gone to long" she said "I've only been gone a week" you said "It's still to long" she pouted and Shinso went to his dorm so it was only you and Mina "Have you heard?" She asked "I was in my dorm I heard fuck all" you said "Oh right!" She nervously smiled "Well your brother and Shinso are dating" she smiled "Really?" You asked "Yeah!" She smiled again Sero heard your voice and looked in the direction to see you going down the stairs "I am hella hungry I haven't eaten in a while" you said "You do look like you got skinner" you said "I am still stronk" you said "Pfft" he snorted and you both laughed like Idiots you were, you made a bowl of cereal for you and Mina, "Y/n?" Shoji asked "Hey" you turned your head he came to you "You have been gone for a while I thought you would never come back" he said "Well I was in my dorm for a while" you said smiling but a familiar blond come to the Kitchen you jumped into Shoji making him confused "Are you alright?" He asked "Just please hide me" you said "Okay?" He said until he saw what made you jumped into him "Have you seen y/n?" Denki asked "No I haven't isn't she in her dorm?" Kirishima asked "No she wasn't there" he said "Mezo" you said making him look down at you "Can you take me to my dorm without them seeing me?" You asked and he nodded you both walked past them "Hey Tentacle arms" Bakugo said "Yes Bakugo?" He asked turning his head "Have you seen Dunce faces sister?" He asked "No sorry" he lied and walked away still hiding you,

You did eat your cereal though you were writing a song you finally went back to class and everyone was happy to see you even Sero who jumped into your arms hugging you they all apologized for being distant to you and Shinso was right he was on your class sitting by himself while Denki sat in front of Kirishima "Hey" you sat down he jumped "Did you sleep?" You asked "Jesus Christ Y/n you scared me" he said "I know I'm the best fucking girl except Bakago being a explosive princess" you said "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME?!" Bakugo sat up instantly after calling him a explosive princess "Midoriya" you said catching him off guard "Y-Y/n-san" he was happy to see that you were back aizawa came into class "As you may know we are singing songs we wrote by ourselves" he said climbing in his sleeping bag "The class rep with choose who will go first I'm going to nap" he said and plopped over rolling to a corner and sleeping "We will start with the Females first" Tenya said putting his arm stiff as a board "So Uraraka" he said "Would you like to go first?" He asked "Yeah!" She said happily getting up

When the last part of the song came they clapped even Bakugo "That was very good Uraraka" he said "Thank you Tenya-kun" she smiled "Can you tell us what the song is called?" He asked "The one that got away" she said happily "Any questions?" He asked only you raised your arm "L/n" he said "How do you know the song" you asked "I liked it when I sang it" she smiled and walked to her desk "L/n?" He asked "Sure" you said getting up Denki was shocked to see you back in the class

Everyone clapped again you smiled "The song was called July" you said bowing "That was very good Kamanari" Tenya smiled putting his arm down but still stiff as a board "any questions?" He asked a few people raised their arms "Hanta" he pointed to sero "Does that song mean something?" He asked "Not really I just had nothing to write I remembered a song my mom sang to me and denki" you said "Momo" he pointed "How long have you known this song?" She asked "A long time" you said walking back to your seat "Mina would you like to?" He asked Mina got up and walked to the front

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