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Izuku, Kyouka, and everyone else who bought tickets left the U.A. dorms. They took a walk outside of school property.

Kyouka had black shorts with a chain dangling around the side of her waist. Black thigh high stockings went up to her shorts, red boots like Midoriya but with more her style. A white tank top, his green hoody with bunny ears similar to his hero suit. The sweater was a sloppy aesthetic, purposely hanging chill around her arms, showcasing her smooth cool shoulders. Always wearing her signature black chocker.

Izuku also had his red boots, like always. Black slim fit jeans, a green long sleeve properly buttoned up, a red shirt under, and his sleeves rolled up to his biceps.

Momo was a try hard like always. She had a black skin-tight dress with a white bow tied around behind her ribcage, it gave a perky increase to her ample bust. White flats, a bracelet, and a handbag.

Kaminari and Kirishima had band t-shirts. Kaminari had a black jacket and Kirishima had a red sweater.

Tooru and Mina had shirts of 2D. Uraraka and Iida had shirts of Noddle.

Tokoyami, he was always boss status with the edgy attitude. Nuff said.

Ojiro, Todoroki, and Tsuyu were the only ones dressed casually or not wearing anything band related.

"Beautiful!" Aoyama complimented everyone, clapping his hands.

Bakugou was with Kirishima and Kaminari. His hands were in his pockets as he walked behind everyone, glancing at the dynamics. The rich girl, Deku, and the rocker chick were always hanging out. Iida and Uraraka. Mina was always hyper and up to something. Froppy was the fluff of the group. Todoroki and Tokoyami were oddly good friends. He balled his fists in his pockets. "Hurry up!" He obnoxiously stomped ahead of them. Like hell, he wanted to hang out with them in the first place.

"Huh? Kacchan?"

"What's his problem? Dude needs to chill the fuck out."

"Oh my, I wonder what could be upsetting him?"

They all boarded the train. Izuku and Kyouka sat side by side. Momo and Todoroki across from them.

Kyouka was staring at the passing by setting, hearing music from his phone with her quirk. He was with his Bluetooth headphones. Her knees were tucked up as she curled in his sweater. She leaned on him, pressing their shoulders together. He paid it no mind, subconsciously growing a small smile. He sagged his shoulders, resting on her as well.

"It's going to take a while to arrive." Momo mentioned, trying to initiate a conversation.

Izuku agreed. "Yeah, but I bet it will be amazing." Trying to return the effort.

"Yes, it will."

Both glad they were finally having a normal conversation.

"Um, yeah, I can't wait."

A normal conversation that tried to go on.

"Me either, Izuku."

"Yeah, Momo."

Another awkward conversation between them that went nowhere.

Momo's nail tapped on her armrest with internal frustration. She told herself she would be fine with everything. She was fine when Jirou texted her in the middle of the night that she was back with Izuku. They texted for a while until Jirou fell asleep. Momo actually had a content smile that night until her phone chimed. It was Izuku saying he was with Jirou again. 'Why did he wait so long to tell me... If it was as important as it was to Jirou to tell me, he would have done so around the same time she did, but if it wasn't a big deal for him to let me know, then he would have never bothered... so why wait late into the night?' She shifted her head to him, trying to start another conversation.

"Yo, this song sucks." Jirou scrolled through his phone.

"H-Huh? So harsh on my music."

"Dude, I need a song that goes with the scenery. I got to vibe to it in my head, you know?"

"Y-Yeah actually. You come up with random scenarios too, huh?"

She pouted her lips outwardly smug. Her eyes never left his phone screen. "No, also memories, like when I interned."

"So nonchalant."

"Oh, found one." She hit play and went back to chilling, window gazing, and using him as a snuggle buddy. She ignored everyone else, hearing her music. Izuku sighed with a hidden smirk, leaning back on Kyouka too. He pulled out a pencil and a pocket notebook from his jeans. So peaceful and tranquil between them. Both enjoying their hobbies in the company of the other. Jirou teased Izuku about him actually having a pocket notebook. He argued back that what if he saw an interesting quirk. It was a playful argument that ended up in a conversation between musicians and their quirks, with both of their eyes lighting up.

Momo closed her lips without an attempt to say something any more. Her positive energy was cut down from their natural interaction. She faced away from them, wearing that rich girl, innocent, smile.

"There's still like two hours before it starts? You guys wanna go do something?" Kaminari pointed out.

"Any ideas?" Kirishima had his arms crossed. Iida suggested a library, to which was met with a resounding no, and an unheard yes from Midoriya.

"There's a hall of heroes in a museum!" Momo was looking through her phone for interesting places.

"Seriously?" Kirishima hyped himself up, maybe his favorite was there too.

"It does sound fun." Tsuyu agreed with her finger to her lips.

"Oh dear, it's on the other side of the city, taking the bus would take to long to get there and the concert. A taxi would be ideal but given the number of us. Hm, I could call our limo agency and see if any of our drivers are out here."

Everyone had a blank stare of disbelief. A sweatdrop fell from all of them as she continued on. Izuku had a normal stare, not aware.

Jirou ran to Momo and shook her shoulders. "Get a hold of yourself!"

"Huh? Jirou?"

Kyouka had intense eyes. "M-Momo, you were rambling like Izuku!"

"Nani!" That sounded like an insult to Deku.

"Guys, what if it's contagious?" Mina joked, but some took it seriously and kept their distance from him.

"Ashido?! I'm not a disease."

"Oh no. Was I mumbling like him?" Momo clamped her mouth shut. "Am I sick?"

"I thought you were acting normal." Izuku weakly defended himself after her unintended insult.

They all chuckled slightly.

Both grew wide eyes. A normal interaction between the two. They glanced at each other for a moment sharing a smile. Things didn't have to be so awkward between them.

Izuku had the sudden urge to chase a dream he saw in the twinkle of her eyes as she glanced away, back to the conversation of the group. His heart rate grew excited for a moment before dropping. He ignored that thought in the back of his head.

Momo was glad that they finally shared something normal. 'Yes, we can be regular friends again.' Something not intimate. 'Exactly, nothing like that with Izuku.' Pure friendship, just like with Jirou. '...That's truly what I want...' Peeking at Jirou and Midoriya.

They looked so happy.

Everyone looked happy.

They all did. Really.


They all went to go walk.

Jealousy is gunfire,

It makes you kill the vibe.

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