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Yuri & Namjoon

Yuri & NamjoonYujoon/Namri

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☀︎︎Namjoon cares a lot for Yuri and vice versa.
☀︎︎Namjoon always makes sure Yuri is safe and healthy.
☀︎︎Often gives Yuri English lessons.
☀︎︎NaMjOoNiE oPpA
☀︎︎ Not really shipped
☀︎︎Namjoon always scolds the others if they tease Yuri.
☀︎︎Reasonably Close.
☀︎︎Not much skinship shared
☀︎︎Namjoon is Yuri's Role model and inspiration.

Yuri & Jin

Yuri & JinYin/Jinri

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Second Mother.
☀︎︎very caring as well.
☀︎︎hugs when Jin or Yuri is sad.
☀︎︎Cooking or baking together.
☀︎︎Horrible jokes...
☀︎︎occasional forehead kisses from eomma jin.
☀︎︎LOTS of compliments
☀︎︎Yuri has accidentally called jin eomma a fair few times.
☀︎︎does not tolerate teasing.
☀︎︎Jin always makes sure Yuri is eating and is not injured.

Yuri & Yoongi

Yuri & Yoongiyungi/yoori

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Brother And Sister duo.
☀︎︎soft for each other (uwu)
☀︎︎cuddles and naps
☀︎︎always checks on Yuri before other members.
☀︎︎Yoongi pretends he's doesn't like Luna or Hwaseong but Yuri always catches him cuddling them when working on songs.
☀︎︎Make each other flustered.
☀︎︎Shipped by Army.
☀︎︎Yoongi and Yuri like to rap together.
☀︎︎highkey adorable.
☀︎︎MiN SuGa OpPa

Yuri & Hoseok

Yuri & HoseokYuseok/Huri

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Mood Makers.
☀︎︎loadddss of pics together
☀︎︎Shipped a bit
☀︎︎living embodiment of sunshine
☀︎︎Teasing is a must.
☀︎︎Care about each other a lot.
☀︎︎ Yuri makes Hoseok feel better when he's sad or stressed and vice versa.
☀︎︎Very Energetic
☀︎︎dancing whenever possible
☀︎︎cry together

Yuri & Jimin

Yuri & JiminYumin/Jumri

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Best Friends.
☀︎︎skinship? i think so.
☀︎︎teasing each other about height
☀︎︎ Jimin always reading Yuri about her hands being smaller than his.
☀︎︎Cuddles and Holding hands, sometimes cheek pecks.
☀︎︎Singing together
☀︎︎Vlives are v v wholesome uwu
☀︎︎despite the teasing they do love each other a lot
☀︎︎best friends since trainee days
☀︎︎Aegyo battles lmao

Yuri & Taehyung

Yuri & TaehyungTari/Yuhyung

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☀︎︎always teasing each other
☀︎︎cute af tho
☀︎︎fan service all the time
☀︎︎ Vlives are chaotic
☀︎︎heavily shipped
☀︎︎very touchy with each other
☀︎︎always get put together for stuff which is a very bad idea and always leads to chaos
☀︎︎lots of Yuhyung/Tari moments
☀︎︎always together
☀︎︎They knew each other since before they were trainees

Yuri & Jungkook

Yuri & JungkookYukook/Yungri

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☀︎︎constantly annoying the absolute fūck our each other
☀︎︎share a room
☀︎︎secretly really cuddly
☀︎︎jungkook getting soft over Yuri's Cats
☀︎︎eat, sleep, overwatch, repeat.
☀︎︎shipped a lot
☀︎︎ jungkook calls yuri noona and she says she hates it but secretly loves it
☀︎︎making fun of each other's lines
☀︎︎evil maknaes
☀︎︎jungkook making fun of Yuri's height


a/n: i love Ego so much it's like my spirit animal 😌✊

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