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          "Tahji, what the hell did you do?" Daya asks, sitting down on the bed resting weight on the heel of her palm as she looks down at the young girl. Ever since they'd met, Tahji had cried in her presence maybe four times and it was never about a boy. Once Mariko got home to her mother and father quietly whispering to each other in the kitchen and she could hear her sister sniffling from through the door of their bedroom she assumed the worst and immediately texted one of Tahji's friends.

There wasn't a lot that the Okonome family could connect to Tahjiko about since she kept her lives so separated, so the friends were a better bet at getting the Third Year to open up. Daya only had to say that Mariko called for Daniel to drive them there.

          "I got scared because he was getting too close so I pushed him away, but I think I really hurt him." Tahji whispers, her voice is crackling with the effort. Half of the container of ice cream is gone, but the other half is melting so Daya takes it upon herself to help.

          "I didn't even know your mom was back. When'd she get here?" Daya asks softly, the last time she had a conversation with Okonome Chihiro was probably after the funeral when they were moving away from Fukorodani. Looking at the thirty-something year old woman, it was easy to see where Tahjiko got her beauty and height from.

          "Like Sunday." Tahji sits up, her face is swollen from crying for two hours straight as she blows her nose. Her mom has been in and out depositing clean warm clothes and tissues and even a phone charger without saying a word. She doesn't deserve a mother so attuned to her, it feels selfish. Tahji feels like a bad girlfriend and a bad daughter now.

          "I think you're pushing everyone away because you're scared, Tahji." The shorter, wiser girl says. There was a reason why she was one in charge of the decisions within their friend group. Besides, they'd known each other for a while, Daya would like to think that she could make up for at least half of an older sister since she failed to protect Tahji's real older sister. "You just need to trust someone."

          "How do I tell my mom that I'm the one thing she told me not to be? How do I tell Tooru that my mother's a whore and that my older sister's dead and that I'm just a slut who fucks around to avoid people?" She's crying again.

Daya sets her posture against the harsh words. She was best equipped to work Tahji down out of everyone else in the other room. "You take a deep breath and you tell him. Tahji you've put criminals in jail, I witnessed you break someone's back before. You can tell everyone the truth if you really want to."

           "Easier said than done."

           "Everything's easier said than done."

          "Sometimes you're really logical and I hate it."

          "Well too bad because you're coming with us tonight so like pack a bag because you're stuck bitch. We already talked to parents Okonome about it."



hi mari-chan
what did I do wrong?

I really don't know

is she home?
should I come over?

dan and kiki-chan just came
they're taking her somewhere

oh ok

i'm sorry kawa
there's not a lot I can say

so you know what happened
at least?

i got home from practice
mom was crying and dad's
a softie so he was
crying too so I called kiki

I thought your mom wasn't
in the picture anymore?

shit you need to talk to tahji
ab this not me
in the meantime im gonna
stop talking


Mari hurtles her phone at her pillow after blocking Oikawa Tooru at a speed almost faster than light. She just fucked up big time.

It's a good thing it's Friday night.

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