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guys, what's good!! first chap of the son of artemis! 

i do not own pjo!

artemis in the media


On October 12, the world mourned.

The waves crashed harshly onto shores littered with broken seashells. The skies released terrifyingly large bolts of electricity. The clouds covered the skies leaving only darkness on the people beneath them. The flowers drooped and the people were downcast.

The mortals that walk along the streets are not any wiser of the world hidden by a thin veil of magic that, should it be unravelled, would reveal the triumphs alongside the terrors of the mythological world. To mortals, October 12 was a sad day, but the reason why escaped them. To mythological beings, the reason of the downcast world was present in their minds and hearts.

Demigods, satyrs, oracles, and gods alike were mourning the loss of one of their most treasured heroes. Six years ago, Percy Jackson disappeared off the face of the earth. His disappearance was tragic, it happening only a short few years after the defeat of Gaea.

The demigods, both Roman and Greek, were majorly relieved of monster opposition. They fought so few on the streets that many new demigods had no experience with fighting in real world situations. The demigods who participated in the wars were exhausted, but happy with the new world free of enemies.

During this time, Percy's mother, Sally Jackson, passed away in an armed robbery, being shot in a hostage situation during police negotiations. Percy shut down and became a shell of the man he was before. He pushed away all his friends, leaders, and his father. Percy turned to hunting any and all monsters or people with malicious intentions in an attempt to save people and make his mother proud.

It was on one of these missions that Percy encountered the Hunters of Artemis, who joined him to free six children from men trying to sell them on the black market in Korea. Both Percy and the Hunters had like mindsets in respect to helping others and hunting malicious characters, so they united. Percy stayed distant, respecting the boundaries of the Hunters and keeping watch throughout the night while they slept.

Despite Percy's never ending suffering, his protectiveness never failed, and his loyalty to others prevailed, even when the people he was loyal to changed. These characteristics drew Artemis to Percy. She helped him recover in the way she best know how; hunting.

Artemis offered Percy a permanent position as guardian of the Hunters for his faithfulness to the cause and the girls. He accepted and over time, Percy opened up and started having meals with the girls, and eventually trained with them. There was progress, but not the amount many were expecting from the two-time hero. Percy continued to be a shell of the man he used to be, disappointing to many people, Artemis and Poseidon above all.

With the permission of her father and Poseidon, Artemis successfully adopted Percy, making him her only child. Percy began to make significant bounds in his recovery and you could almost see the twinkle in his sea-green eyes again.

But, all good things must come to an end.

Percy disappeared a few months after Artemis officially adopted him, and things continued to get worse as his time away lengthened. Monsters began showing up again, in mass quantities. The new campers did not know how to defend themselves adequately because they had no experience. The war-heroes were tired and did not have the spirit inside themselves to fight anymore, so with lack of quality training and experience, demigods began to fall.

The gods looked for Percy within their realms and sent quests to find him, but all were unsuccessful, with some quests returning and others falling into the grasps of malicious beings.

The Son of ArtemisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora