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“Christ mate, they have flavours as strange as ‘placenta’ and ‘balls dipped in gravy,’ and you get sodding vanilla. Not vanilla with sprinkles, or vanilla with chocolate, just plain, bloody vanilla,” Niall shakes his head in complete and utter disbelief, throwing his hand in the air, and Louis kicks him from under the picnic table.

“If he wants vanilla, he can have vanilla, for god’s sake Niall.”

Harry laughs, still happily eating his vanilla ice cream, watching Niall and Louis argue.

“I'm just saying," Niall says in defense, "why the hell pay 4.99 for fucking vanilla, when for the same price you can have a waffle cone, double-dipped in gold, with bloody m&m’s on top.”

Louis rolls his eyes, reaching over and slapping Niall's cheek this time instead of kicking him. Harry chokes on his ice cream, quickly grabbing a napkin and laughing into it as Louis leans over and plants a sloppy kiss to his dimpled cheek.

“You can eat all the vanilla ice cream you want,” Louis coos dramatically, “don't need no gold dipped placenta,” he adds, kicking Niall again just because he can.

“You two are disgusting, I don't know why I even decided to come out with you.”

Harry pouts, ice cream smeared over his lips.

“Well, Harry's cute,” Niall shakes his head, “but Louis, I’m gonna need a knee surgery after today, fuckign kicking me so much.”

Louis rolls his eyes, contemplating whether or not to kick Niall again. He decides against, only because Harry’s vanilla ice cream cone is practically being beckoned for him to lick over it, and despite having his own ice cream, he can’t resist leaning forward and licking over it.

“Hey,” Harry drags out, pulling his ice cream back with a cute pout and furrowed eyebrows. Louis holds out his tongue, vanilla ice cream dripping in his mouth.

“If you dare lick that out of his mouth, I will stab the both of you,” Niall says, reaching over the table and slamming Louis' jaw shut.

“Is that what they teach you in law school?”

“Oi, Louis. Next time you hit someone with your car I’m not going to be there in your defense. Pay some other bloke to be your lawyer.”

Louis rolls his eyes, licking his own banana dipped chocolate cone as Harry looks to him shocked, “You've hit someone with a car?”

“Was Zayn, no big deal,”

“Speaking of Zayn,” Niall starts, ignoring the very clear look Louis gives him not to go into it, “he really wants to talk to you.”


“Lou, he is your best friend, you can't just keep ignoring him. Plus, he keeps interrupting my beauty sleep,” Niall bats his eyes, making Louis snort.

“Maybe if you didn't sleep at one in the afternoon you wouldn't find it so annoying.”

Niall opens his mouth to reply when his phone starts vibrating on the wooden table. He picks it up, shoving it in Louis’ face, “See,” he whispers, “he is always calling and asking about you.”

“Why are you whispering,” Louis whispers back.
Niall looks around, ignoring his phone, “He might hear us.”

“Oh, for god’s sake, Niall,” Louis takes the cell phone, handing Niall his ice cream in return to hold for him, and answering the phone. “Hi Zayn, long time no talk. Niall is tired of you calling him all the time, so,” Louis pauses pursing his lips, “stop?”

All You Are is What I Need (Larry BoyxBoy) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now