part one

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Your first ever true friends were the boys from first to seventh grade so you were extremely nervous and didn't want to go also because you didn't wanna leave your day.

What went down : you and your moms fiance had got into your worst argument ever because you knew he was cheating but you mom didn't want to believe it after the argument you and you mom both decided that it's best if you live with your dad.

The day after the fight: you wake up at 4am because you had to get ready for your flight you get ready ready in this

The day after the fight: you wake up at 4am because you had to get ready for your flight you get ready ready in this

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And head downstairs your mom made your favorite breakfast smiley face pancakes.
It's now 5 so you get your luggage and head to the airport.
When you get the and say goodbye to your mom and board the plain now on your way to Canada.

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