I have no clue

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Does anyone one have ideas they would like to see in this story. If so please leave a message with what you would like to see.
Laura's POV
'You just can't get a break from getting hurt now can you Laura?' "Seems like it Yak." 'Did I hear on the radio that a seagull flew straight into your back.' "That would be correct Hoppo." 'Geeze.' 'How are you feeling Laura?' "Like I got bitten by a shark, drowned and hit in the back by a seagull, not in that exact order but yeah like all three events happened over four days." 'Real funny Laura poorer, real funny.'    "Can I have a water bottle please, anyone will do as long as it's plastic and has some water in it." 'Like that is so going to happen.' "I'm thirsty Maxi and besides I was also going to throw it at you." 'Is that Laura in the tower threatening Maxi?' "Can I please borrow your walkie talkie Gonzo?" 'Sure.' "Hi Jesse yes Laura poorer is in the tower threatening Maxi with a water bottle. Don't blame me he was being a smart alec." 'Really?' "Yep" 'I'm coming up than, do you want to swap Gonzo?' "That ain't happening at the moment Jesse, I have his walkie talkie!" 'It's okay, I can give him mine for now and we could give each other's back at the end of the day.' 'That's not happening Jesse sure you can go on tower duty but Laura give Gonzo back his walkie talkie. And don't say you want to be famous because this is the third time.' "I just can't get enough." "Thanks Gonzo." 'Anyt....' 'Don't say that Gonzo!' '...ime.' "Yeah Gonzo don't say that I'll steal your walkie talkie again. Or in other words borrow your walkie talkie with little intention to return it..... for a few minutes." 'Laura!!!!' "What up Burrito." 'Here's the chocolate you requested.' "Thank you Burrito." 'It's Taco.' "Ok Tacie Wakie." 'Just Taco.' "Talco." 'Can I have a water bottle anyone. As long as it's made of plastic and has some water in it.' "Ain't happening. I tried that near the exact same words you said as I was threatening Maxi but you wouldn't go throwing a water bottle at a person who is crippled because of drowning, sharks and a dumb seagull that decided to fly into my back would you." 'A seagull hit you in the back. Ha I ha think ha ha ha I'm ha going to ha faint haha that's so ha funn.' "Shit Taco, taco, BURRITO!, ADRIAN KOKAVIC!. Adrian can you hear me. Ha ha ha." 'Why are you laughing Laura this is not funny.' "Ha." Thump(sound effects.) "Ah fuck ha ahhhhhhhhhhh shit!" 'What happened in here Maxi?' 'Taco was laughing so hard until he passed out because Laura got hit in the back by a seagull and then Laura tripped.' "I'd prefer the words went for another holiday in the same spot! Fuck my head hurts." 'And she... shit! She hit her head on the cupboards.' "Is that why it hurts so fucking much that I see two Maxi's, gosh just having one Maxi is enough let alone two!" 'How many fingers am I holding up Laura?' "Four." 'And that is incorrect. Oh hey Jesse can you call for two ambulances please.' 'Why Hoppo?' 'Jesse have a look around you.' "Hoppo can you pass me that plastic bag near you." 'Nice try.' "What?" 'You are not eating in the state you are what if you pass out while half swallowing chocolate you will choke!' 'Tower to Yak and Quinn please come in.' 'Blue rhino to tower Quinn is out rescuing someone.' 'Tower to blue rhino tell Quinn to get to the tower ASAP after he comes back in.' 'Black rhino to tower Yak is on the way.' 'Tower to Yak, mate please hurry up, big emergency big one.' 'Yak to tower, how many people?' 'Tower to Yak, two.' 'Blue rhino to tower,' 'tower to blue rhino Quinn, mate you need to get to the tower now as fast as you can.' "Holy shit long conversation!" 'Laura I need you to stay still and stop wiggling around on the floor. I know you're in pain.' 'What is it Hop... your shitting me you can't even go without thirty minutes without getting hurt.' "Fuck sake now there are two Yak's and two Maxi's I never asked for a zoo filled with lifeguards that have been doubled. Just thinking about that it making my head hurt.....more." 'I came as fast as I... what have you done now Laura.' "I don't fucking know. Ahhh for fuck sake, I think I'd prefer ten seagull hitting me in the back right now than being restrained by a bunch of lifeguards that have clearly doubled. I can't move and this is so claustrophobic! And I don't have claustrophobia! It think Yak knows which phobias I have from the last time he had to put up with me!" 'Laura has a phobia of "CAN I PLEASE HAVE A WATER BOTTLE!" 'As you said earlier to Taco and I quote, nice try.' "What ever!" 'Laura has a phobia of heights and needles, that's all I know that she's. "Ahhhh shit a spider get me away from it! Holy fucking shit." 'Maybe add arachnophobia to that list.' "You better not tell anyone else about that Yak. Someone please get the goddam spider off of me." 'Geeze is that Laura screaming.' 'You're awake Taco.' 'Thanks to Laura The arachnophobic.' "Missed three others! The other one you will not find out, fuck sake ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit!" 'On a scale of one to ten how much pain are you in.' "Fucking 45 out of 50! In your world nine!" 'The other phobia is pain isn't it.' "Ehhh incorrect!" 'Phobia of drowning.' "Ehhh same answer." 'Laura this is the green whistle you still might be familiar with it from yesterday.' "Just give me it, please. I still remember only breath in through my mouth and out with my nose." 'Good job.' 'Do you remembered what happened Laura.' "I have no clue!"

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