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"What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't think there is a way to stop it!" "There has to be!" Dustin exclaims. "Yeah! Everything can always be stopped" Max remarks. They have a point. "The cold" Mike says.

"Remember Will! The cold!" He says. Will's face lights up. "Yeah! Omg! He likes it cold!" "So we have to burn it out of you..." I mutter. "Omg Will" El says. "You can't do that!"

"I have to..." "Come on there has to be another way!" Exclaims Lucas. "No there isn't. I'll hurt each and every single one of you guys until I kill you all"

I stare at him. "You had anymore of those like episodes?" I ask. He nods. "You do that like spasm thing before?" He shakes his head this time.

Dustin grabs a book our of backpack. "Mind and body" He mutters. We all look at him while Lucas and Max peer over his shoulder. "What do you mean?" We ask. "You cut of the mind you kill the body" He repeats. Mike stares at me. "Which is why we couldn't let you hurt it. You would've killed Will along with it"

Well that stung. "Ok..." I whisper. I wipe tears away quickly. "So what do we do then?" Will sits down with his head in his hands. He clearly isn't very fond of doing this. I walk up to him and sit down next to him. "It's ok" I say while running his back. "I don't want to hurt you guys!" He says. "You won't Will, you probably won't remember any of this in the morning"

"But what happens then?" He asks. "We get it out of you, and then you'll be free from this upside down" He nods slowly. "I I never meant to kill you y/n" He says. I nod. "I know. But it was either you or me"

"But- what if we couldn't of gotten you back?" "But we did. And I'm here now. And I will never leave again. I promise" I hate promising things. Because it's so much pressure. Especially when I know that I can stay forever.

I'll have to go one day, when things get to dangerous for me and El. When everyone would find out what we were. Me and El would have to run away, leaving everyone and everything behind. We might even have to fake El's death...

Just like they did with me... "Anyway, your going to have to go to sleep Will..." I whisper. I take his hand because he looked terrified. The party walk over and explain the plan. I didn't really like that we had to involve Nancy, Joyce and Jonathan. At all, but for Will's sake I'll do it.

Will called Jonathan, who was with Joyce, and then Mike called Nancy. The party got on their bikes and stared at me. I changed back into a wolf and ran along side them. "Here we are" Mike says.

Hoppers cabin was where we were told to go. Don't exactly know why, but I'm hoping he's not there. I change back into my "normal" self and walk with the others inside. Will was put to sleep and he was laid onto a bed.

His ankles and wrists were tied up, and Nancy and Joyce entered with something that almost looked like toasters. They plugged them in and turned them up full heat facing Will. "Omg" I mutter.

Will would wake up soon, and that- that thing would have to come out of him. He eyes shoot open suddenly and Joyce looks away. "Why am I tied up!" He screams. "Why am I tied up! Let me go!"

It came to my attention, that the voice he was speaking in was not him. It was almost like the monster had now taken full control over him, and using Will to speak to us. Will flailed around trying to escape from the rope causing frictions burns on his skin.

El was terrified, Max was hugging her, Mike was looking down and Dustin and Lucas couldn't care to even look up. I just stood in horror. This is what I missed when they took me! I could've helped them but I couldn't. And now Will's like this because of the shadow monster...

Will wouldn't stop moving. He was squirming around and screaming at the top of his lungs. Beads of sweat were rolling down our faces and then snap.

One of the knots in the rope had given way from the weight, letting Will loose. He turned over to untie the other one but I grabbed his hand and pulled it away. Will grabbed my throat squeezing tightly. Mike screamed and tried to rip his hand off my neck.

While Jonathan was trying to turn the heaters off, Mike was able to pull me away from Will's grasp and I tumbled to the ground with him. Max and Lucas help me up while Dustin and El help up Mike. Me and El pull them behind us, while the adults were stood over the other side of the room.

Nancy screamed at Jonathan to stop. For everyone to stop. I glanced at her, and then back at Will. "Holy shit" Max says. Black liquid was travelling up through Will's neck. His veins now a jet black. Jonathan held Will's arms down and Will's back arched.

A huge black cloud came shooting from Will's mouth, circling the room and flying out of the window, breaking the glass.

Nancy runs out and I follow her. "Do you think it's gone?" She asks. I reply with "Only time can tell Nancy. Only time can tell"

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