Chapter 9 - The Gathering

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A few weeks later, Sarah's uncle popped in for a visit. Sarah had been gazing out her bedroom window, down at the oak tree. Its rust-coloured leaves trembled in the chilly autumn breeze. Then, on hearing Uncle Geofroy's voice erupt unexpectedly behind her, Sarah nearly shot out the window.

"You've got to stop doing that!" she snapped. "What if I was getting—" Then she saw it, he held her leather travel bag in his hands.

"My bad," he chuckled. "Thought you might want this back, Samhain being just around the corner." Grinning smugly, Geofroy handed Sarah her rune cloth.

"You took it?" asked Sarah, incredulous. "But why?"

"To hide it from Curio Magus of course. I guessed he'd try to steal it. But not to fear, it's safe and sound."

"All this time, I thought the Magus had it. And you—" Sarah exploded. "Do you have any idea what you put me through, thinking I'd miss the gathering, that I'd never see my parents again?!"

"Uh, oh. I thought you'd be safer not knowing where the map was hidden, but, perhaps I should have clued you in."

"Ya think!" railed Sarah. She tossed the bag onto her bed and sat down, untying its strap.

"Your map will appear on the morning of the 31st, the seventh hour. The meeting commences exactly twelve hours later. Let's say we meet here on All Hallows Eve, say six o'clock," suggested Uncle Geofroy.

"Fine," muttered Sarah, but when she turned around he was gone.

Samhain finally here, Sarah wasn't too surprised when Uncle Geofroy didn't show. Maybe I was a bit harsh toward him, she thought. Seven that morning, her rune cloth had revealed the map, so Sarah had directions to the gathering. Yet, she felt uneasy at the thought of going alone, waiting until the last minute, just in case he came. But it was Daniel who knocked on the front door and Bridget who opened it.

"Daniel," said Sarah. Bridget cleared her throat. "This is Bridget. Bridget, Daniel."

"Nice to meet you," said Bridget, giggling. Daniel smiled then turned to Sarah.

"I see you haven't left yet," he said. "Do you mind if I join you?" Bridget stood gazing dreamily at Daniel.

"A'right," said Sarah. "I'll just get my jacket and we can go."

"Take Liza!" Bridget blurted. "If you like. She needs the exercise." Bridget stared at Daniel expectantly.

"That's really nice of you," Sarah piped in. "Thanks. We will."

"You'll be coming back with Sarah, won't you?" Bridget asked, trailing Daniel down the hall and out through the back door. "I mean, when you bring Liza home."

"Ya, sure." Daniel sped up, following Sarah into the barn.

Bridget waved, as Liza trotted, carrying Daniel and Sarah on her back, into the chilly wood. Scanning her sketch of the map, Sarah directed them down a winding path through thick cedar, pine-scented evergreens and crimson-leafed maples.

"This way," she said. The forest was quiet as Liza cantered along the path, stopping here and there to munch on the mossy underbrush. Daniel had been explaining why dark wizards no longer participate in the gathering ceremonies . . .

"Their ancestors, those with innocent blood on their hands, can't endure the light for long—"

. . . when Liza turned abruptly sideways. Veering away from the trail, she bolted through the trees in the wrong direction.

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