boring day 2

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Day 2 moving day

I woke up at 9:00 am and I have to get off my bed because they are here and I don't want to miss this
So the moving van came 2nd first my aunt came with her son then my nan and then my other aunt came
We brought most of it to the van then we had to start filling up the cars but then my brother and my grandad came
5 minutes later the wind locked us out but there was a window open so I tried  going in 5 seconds later I'm not in so my brother tried getting in he got half way in with his bottom stuck out the back and then he got in
And yay we got in that was lucky the window was open or we would have only half our stuff but that made all of us laugh but after that we went inside and started to SMASH THE RACKS!!!   That was fun but I almost got hit

Time skip

When we got to the house every one was tired so I went to the shops with my mum and my 2 brother and aunt and I got sweets and more sweets and a drink and crisps

Time skip

We are all done and we are eating Domino's with my aunt and after that I went to sleep

word count 234

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