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*eight months later*

Mari's POV

"Babe!" Zayn shouted in the cereal aisle, we were grocery shopping since we're running low on food at our flat. "Coco Pebbles or Cheerios?" he asked holding up the two boxes of cereal. "You pick." I replied back and looked for magazines to read. I chuckled to myself because mainly all the magazines had Zayn and the boys' faces plastered all over it. I picked up the seventeen magazine and flipped over to the section about the boys. 

Zayn started getting closer to where I was and looked at what I was reading. "Really, babe?" he asked while laughing. I flashed him an innocent smile and read aloud his interview answers. He tried taking the magazine out of my hand but I extended my arm so that he couldn't grab it. I continued reading his answers in a baby voice. Irritating him was always the fun part of our- relationship. He was sly enough to counter my blocking and grabbed the magazine out of my hand. I tried reaching for it again but this time he held it up in the air since he was much taller than i was i had no chance on getting it. 

I had a brilliant idea though, I kneed the back of his knees and he fell to the ground falling beside me and the second row of cereal. The cereal boxes piled on top of us like an avalanche. I cleared the boxes of cereal so I could be able to get out. Sitting up and moving around the cereal boxes so I can pull Zayn up. He sat up and stared at me. He lightly threw a box of cheerios at my but I caught it before it could hit me. I threw one back and he caught it too, we starting laughing at each other in the pile of cereal that we caused. Costumers around us were staring at us like we were maniacs. Zayn stood up and help me up as well. We gathered all the cereal that collapsed and placed then back on the counters not even caring if they were organized or not. We finished all the shopping we had to do and headed back to our flat. 

Megan and I don't share a flat anymore, obviously. We sold the flat and we moved in with our boyfriends. Yes, Megan is still with Harry and I've never seen two people so happy before. Zayn finally got his license as well so now he can drive us anywhere! When Zayn pulled into the driveway he got out and came over to my side to open my door. It's become a custom for him to open the door for me and I never wanna argue about it because it's very gentlemen like and i love it. Going through my purse, I pull out the key and stick it in the slot. Turning the key, unlocking the door, and opening the door to an empty flat. 

I heaved a sigh because I could finally sit down and drink some tea. I walked in the kitchen, placed the grocery bags on the counter, and took out the tea to make Zayn and I some tea. After the tea was ready and I changed into much more comfortable clothes and poured tea into Zayn and I's mugs. I carried the mugs to Zayn who was sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the tv. He scooted a bit over so I had space on the couch and I gladly sat down. 

I pulled the sleeves on my jumper over my hands as I handled my tea because the mug was still too hot. Zayn always laughs when I do that with my tea, I have no idea why he just does it. I relaxed a bit and rested my body on the right side of his, he wrapped his arm around me and placed a kiss on the top of my head. I loved it when he did that, it sent shockwaves from the kiss down my body and back up. He gave up finding a decent channel to stay on and turned off the tv. I sat up properly and crossed my legs as I sipped on my mug. Zayn on the other hand, just stared. Stared at me with his gorgeous chocolate orbs. I remember the first time I looked directly into those eyes, and once we made eye contact I could see his eyes start to glisten more than normal. 

"Stop staring at me." I demanded and took another large swig of my tea. But he didn't stop staring, the only movement in his face was his mouth forming a small smirk. "Quiff!" I enhanced my the tone of my voice, got closer to him, and waved my hand in front of his face. Finally, movement struck on his face. "Why were you staring at me like that?" I asked a bit worried. He didn't respond back though, instead he smirked again and tucked a piece of loose hair behind my left ear. He cupped my right cheek and caressed it gently with his thumb. "God, you're so beautiful." he whispered still examining every inch of my face. I quickly blushed didn't make any eye contact whatsoever with him. It's crazy for after this long with Zayn and him constantly reminding me that I'm beautiful, I still blush like a little girl. 

He chuckled under his breath and placed the hand that was cupping my face on my waist. "I love you." I said truthfully as I twisted around so I was lying down on his chest. "I'll always love you, Mari." he replied placing another kiss on the top of me head. "From the moon and back, right?" I asked chuckling remembering the night he told me that. He chuckled as well as replied, "Always." I left it at that. We just stayed in silence taking swigs on our tea and enjoying each other's company. I then realized this is exactly how I want my life to be. With Zayn and with tea, cozy together and enjoying silence. I didn't expect my life to go this way. I thought I would've found the love of my life until later on in my life, but i've found him earlier than expected. I've found him. He's in an international boyband. He's from Bradford. He's got tattoos. His name is Zayn Malik. And I wouldn't pick anyone else I'd rather be with because I love him from the moon and back.



i might post a new longer harry one or my louis one.. still not sure.

but i hope you all have a great day :)

and if there's typos or anything, sorry. I didn't have time to edit and reread. I just wanted this up for you guys lol

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