Introduction and Cast of Characters

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Hello my children and welcome to a fanfiction of my Hearts and Heroes Disney AU!

I've spent a lot of time behind the scenes developing and creating a unique storyline for this new book of mine, and I promise you that it will be brilliant as always like my other fanfictions :)

I've also collaborated with my friend _WinryRose_ for this book and she and I also have our own roles as Disney characters in this story. 

So without further ado, onto the cast of characters starting with my ocs and working the way down to Winry's ocs and then the Rainbow Cast themselves :3

Cast of Characters:

Me and my ocs:

Elsa (Cleo): Former queen of Arendale before she gave the crown to her sister Anna. She wields powers of ice and snow, and spends her time in the Northaldron Woods with the other elemental spirits. While she enjoys the company of the spirits, her heart desires to be with a woman who she can call her soulmate and shares the same love for the forest and her powers...

Genie of the Lamp (Samuel): A powerful djinn of the lamp, he will grant you three wishes and serve you in exchange for jewels, gold, and other valuable treasures. Rumors say that he was once an ancient ruler who ruled a vast kingdom of pyramids by a sacred river, and when he died, his soul became sealed in a golden lamp. No one knows if these rumors are true, but if you give him the greatest treasure of all, he will reveal his true past life...

Esmeralda (Yael): A young gypsy girl living in the streets of Paris, she makes her living off dancing for coins to put bread on the table. She wishes that her people will no longer suffer from the cruelty of Judge Claude Frollo, and that she and her people will be able to live peacefully without fear. However, she is wanted for witchcraft, and the murder of her older friend, even though she is innocent...

Cinderella (Patricia): A sweet, soft, and delicate girl who lives humbly with her parents in a small village. Since her family is poor, Cinderella works as a servant for Lady Tremaine and her two daughters to support her family. She works many hours under the harsh Lady, and is always given many, many chores to do around the mansion without any breaks. But despite the conditions, she remembers what her mother taught her: Have courage and be kind... 

Ariel (Demeter): The non-binary mermaid that lives under the sea, they love to collect objects that end up from the surface to the bottom of the ocean. They can communicate with the sea creatures and spend their time happily swimming around. When they find a mysterious pendant, curiosity leads them to discovering it's power of allowing them to go onto the surface, but at the cost of their voice... 

The Mandalorian and The Child (Jake and Rhea): The most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, along in the land, he is ruthless as he is mysterious. Rumors say that he went rogue and instead of killing an asset, he took it in as his own son, considering that asset was said to be a child. No one has ever seen his face that is covered with his helmet, but perhaps someone is able to see his true face... 

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