Part 3: Breaking Through

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*****WARNING: This chapter includes a self inflicted injury (closely resembling cutting) as well as some brief violence (a slap to the face). If those are a trigger for you then please don't read. I will also put five asterisks (*****) when this part begins so if you'd like to just read up to that point then you can also do that. 


Third Person POV

Todoroki didn't trust him. Not for a second. Midoriya was too nice, too caring. It was as if he had been there the whole year with how swimmingly he got along with everyone. It was almost like the boy was trying to put up the nice front. And Todoroki wasn't buying it.

"Good morning, Todoroki!" Midoriya said with a big grin plastered across his face. It had officially been one week since the arrival of this green-haired new guy and he'd already become friends with the entire class. "How was your weekend?" he continued.

"Why do you care?" Todoroki asked, monotonously. He wouldn't give into this nice-guy bullshit.

"Because we're friends?" Midoriya said with a chuckle as he sat down at his desk. Midoriya, on the other hand, had been desperately trying to connect with Todoroki for the past week. The guy was like a brick wall. With every question and conversation starter, he received nothing back.

"I didn't come here to make friends," he replied coldly. With that one line, Midoriya's attempt at friendship for that day was thwarted. This is going to be impossible, the shorter boy thought.

The day continued as they always had: Todoroki didn't talk and Midoriya cursed at all of the work they got-in his head, of course. Aizawa did the minimum amount of teaching he could and spent the vast majority of class sleeping. If you were him you'd be sleeping, too. Believe me.

"Mina, give me my croc back!" Kirishima brayed. The pink girl was jumping around the room, red croc in hand, and Kirishima was chasing her with one shoe on.

"Mina!" Kaminari shouted. "Over here!" The shoe was sent flying over everyone's heads and landed in Denki's waiting hands. This had been going on for the past 10 minutes and poor Mr Aizawa didn't have the patience nor wherewithal to bother stopping them.

"Mr Aizawa!" Kirishima yelped. "Tell them to give me my shoe!"

"Kaminari, give Kirishima his ugly shoe back," Aizawa drawled from his sleeping bag.

"But sir-!" As Kaminari went to protest, the red-head flung himself towards the boy and snatched the shoe from his hand.

"Yes!" he cheered.

With that, the bell rang and class was over. Midoriya dishearteningly packed up his things. There has got to be some way to make Todoroki talk to me.

"Midoriya, Todoroki, I need to speak to the both of you," Aizawa said. The boys looked at each other and back to their teacher. What does he need? They walked up to the desk. Their teacher unzipped his sleeping bag slightly so his face was more visible.

"Midoriya, you're falling behind with the schoolwork. And you're clearly not putting any effort into it, either. So I have a proposal." Where the hell could this be going? "Todoroki over here is one of our best students. That's why I'm going to have him tutor you."

"WHAT?" the two of them shouted.

"I don't need a tutor-"

"Why do I have to do it!"

"Oh, calm down. It's not the end of the world. Just until you can improve your grades. Or else I'll be forced to kick you out."

Midoriya stomped his foot and crossed his arms. This was absolutely ridiculous. He didn't even want to be here and now he actually had to put in effort? He had to be fucking tutored? By Todoroki?

All of the Ways I Deceive You [Villain Deku] [DISCONTINUED}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ