Part 4: Brief Encounters

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Alright, fellas. I wanna note something before we get into this: we don't get all too many glimpses of the Todoroki residence except for the outside and bits and pieces of the inside so I decided to take some creative liberty with it and just... change their house?? Yeah, I gave them a home makeover. It makes my life easier. 


Third Person POV

Midoriya slammed the off button to his alarm and sat up. This getting up early thing was never going to get easier, was it? He begrudgingly got dressed and ruffled up his hair, grabbed his bag, and made his way downstairs, taking extreme care as not to wake Toga. 

"Good morning!" Midoriya jumped at the sound of Dabi's greeting. He glared at the man and shushed him.

"Toga's still asleep!" Midoriya whisper-shouted. "Let me have one morning of peace."

"No problem," Dabi replied in a tone no quieter than the one before. Fucker.

Shigaraki walked in, still in his pajamas and slippers. "You heading out?" he yawned. 

"Yup," Midoriya said as he grabbed an apple and his phone. He took a bite of the fruit and gagged.

"Dammit Shigaraki stop getting red delicious apples. They're terrible," he whined. 

"Hah. Sucks," Dabi taunted. 

He tossed the bitten apple at Dabi who barely dodged it and straightened up. "Fuck you," he stated before walking out the door with a dismissive wave. 

"Have fun with your tutor~!" Dabi called out. Wow, thanks. I won't.

As he began the trek to school, Midoriya thought over how this whole tutoring thing would work out. See, he couldn't improve too fast because then he wouldn't need to be tutored anymore, but if he progressed too slowly, then he'd be kicked out. It was an arduous balancing act that Midoriya wanted no part in. Putting in the effort was terrible but failing the mission and pissing off Shigaraki was also terrible, maybe even more so. And that dammed Todoroki was so- so infuriating. The dude was socially inept! Or he just hated everyone in existence! Or both! And the worst part of it all was that he was attractive. Damn him.

But even Midoriya, with his strong distaste for social interaction, had this deep desire outside of the mission alone to crack Todoroki and figure out what was going on with him. The boy was this weird puzzle of blank pieces that no one could figure out. But luckily, Midoriya was always up for a bit of a challenge.

Midoriya kicked a pebble on the sidewalk as he grumbled about his classmate. Nothing he thought or said was new, he just liked grumbling about it. Complaining was just one of his many talents, he supposed. 

The boy was in the middle of arguing with himself about one thing or the other when he bumped straight into Bakugo, who had been talking with Kirishima and Kaminari. 

"Hey! Watch it!" he growled before turning to see who it was. Upon seeing Midoriya, his face  softened- If one can even describe Bakugo Katuski's facial expressions as soft. "Oh, you," he said with a subtle purr, nearly hidden under a mask of self-proclaimed superiority. Midoriya noticed Kirishima's face redden slightly when he heard the tone that the blonde took on. Before enough time passed for him to start making assumptions, Midoriya felt himself being led away, Bakugo's arm resting lazily over the shorter boy's shoulders. 

"B-Bakugo," he said in the best fake stutter he could muster, "What are you- um.. what are we doing?"

The two of them came upon a wall and Midoriya suddenly felt his back being pushed flush against it, Bakugo resuming the same position he had the day earlier. His arms created a strong cage in which to keep the smaller boy trapped. Midoriya felt Bakugou's warm breath tickle his face, their noses only a few inches apart. His internal radar started going off the charts, entirely unsure of how to react. He could push the boy away, but that may be taken as too aggressive. Then again, he was being pinned against the wall. Aggression would probably be justified. Thankfully, he didn't have to make a decision. 

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