Chapter One

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Sounds of the moaning wind swept through the cracks of the old rickety prison bus. The putrid smell of shit and blood burned eternally into her mind like a motion picture to a disc. Her head rested against the window listening to the faint howling of the breeze.

How she dreamed up an unrealistic reality for her and her family. A world where all troubles such as divorce and death never existed, that's the only way she could escape everything in this cruel world. Escape abuse and rape everything! if she could run away to somewhere else she would.

She closed her eyes for a second, shutting out the sounds around her. She missed everyone she lost, her mother, father, brother, even her best friend... or love. Her mind wondered places that made her smile uncontrollably, the thought of her and her childhood love together once again made her happy.

"Bluebell," he whispered in her ear. It sent chills down her spine, both in the dream and real life. His hand brushed against her scars as he pulled her closer, she fell up against his chest like as if imitating a limp flower stem. She felt weak, she hated it, the feeling of being dominated by a man. It was disgusting, Bluebell hated the feeling.

"Bluebell," he sighed again. His sighs becoming more and more amorous, more demanding. Her eyes fluttered open to meet a small child, at least arm's length away from her. Her big blue eyes staring at Bluebell. She sat up grabbing ahold of the young girl, her arms wrapping tightly around the small child knowing something happened. She wiped away her tears as she tried to speak, "he..." the young girl stuttered unable to speak.

Bluebell cooed in her ear in an attempt to calm down the young child. "It's ok Cas, we know." The other stared at the young child breaking down in her lap, they all glared, as if they've never seen a child cry. As if they've never cried, that isn't the case. They all grown used to losing people, to losing everything. They were the runaways, the forgotten, they were thrown out like a used piece of paper. They were banished to this wasteland, it formed as a civilization soon after, people forgetting their past lives. Everyone changed, even Bluebell, she was stronger, less vulnerable. She was the leader, everyone scolded her for that, for always putting the need of Caspian before others.

To be honest, in her view, the other people were asses. She didn't even want to be their leader, she was forced to be since they all acted like dumbass chickens that were decapitated a few minutes ago. She only cared about Caspian, she is the reason that kept Bluebell going, she had nothing else in life. It got taken away by the dicks that fucked her mom, she lost her mom to someone who bedded her, then beheaded her for cheating with her father. Who was also a dick after he took Bluebell away and gave her a god-forsaken name of Jezebel. She never wanted to hear that name again, every time one of the runaways mock her for it. Yelling it at her till she falls to her knees covering her ears, rocking back and forth.

The memories of her father and what he did to her still haunt Bluebell's mind. The way he moaned her name as her delicate fingers danced across his skin, it was so disgusting. She fought back the urge to cut off the only thing that kept his ego high and shove it down his damn throat.

"Oh, Jezebel-" she shook her head trying to get rid of his voice. Her stomach twisted and turned in disgust, she wanted to throw up. Caspian placed her hands on Bluebell's cheeks, chanting her name over and over, trying to pull her back to reality. She couldn't get the fucked up sound of her father's lustful moans out of her head. It sounded like a broken record that was put on repeat.

"Jezebel!" Caspian shrieked. Bluebell pulled her hands away from her head, a bed of dark blood laid underneath her nails. Bluebell hugged Caspian even tighter, her heart racing to push tears from her eyes. She tried to fight them back, to cry you are weak, which means that you will be killed. Being abandoned and having to fight for yourself if you just want to fall onto the ground and cry like a little bitch because you can't get anything you want, might as well just die.

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