Chapter One

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I awoke from a peaceful slumber that day.

I was giddy with excitement and anticipation for the chance to dance with the King of Okami.

Everyone had the chance if the King deemed you worthy.

You would dress in your finest clothes at the sweet (հօɾɾíҍӀҽ ) age of fourteen. You would line up in a circle facing away from the King with the straightest posture in your life time. (íԵ աɑՏ ɑ Ӏíҽ , Եհҽ օԵհҽɾ ժɑղϲҽՏ աҽɾҽ հɑɾժҽɾ.)

My mother used to tell me tales and tales about her dance with her. She was one of the chosen! She danced with the King. With the same experience she told. (Տհҽ ∂ⅰ∂и'ɬ ՏԹҽɑƘ օƒ Եհҽ Եհɾҽɑժ ƒօɾ ղօ ϲɑղ.) She was beautiful, but she wasn't chosen for the final (ԵհɑղƘ ցօժ ) and she went old with beauty of the past.

My whole life I had been waiting for this very day. My mother and I had grabbed the clothes that were the most new, clean, and beautiful.

Of course, we already selected and top three but we still need to check their conditions! Though... It's only been a day...

We still have to check because some people think it's okay to ruin all of other people clothes while they're sleeping. And they also don't creepy for some reason? (Dammed elves)

Life becomes weird when we become fourteen I guess.

The way our society and government (as we are currently not following more... Modern standards in our world) is different from those around us. We have the Five Rules.

1.) Never speak informally, punishment is spanks. Spanks hurt, I don't like the whips. Though, I don't get many spankings anymore.

2.) Talking back isn't allowed, punishment is spanks. This one is still spanks, though, it's done usually with Momma or Papa (I don't have a Papa with me right now!). The king can also give spanks. The backhands Momma gives hurt cause she's strong hehe!

3.) Stay in your place and don't get out of your rank, punishment is death. This... Hasn't always been followed... It became a rule thousands of years ago and people didn't take it seriously, so the King sentenced them to death. It's scary thinking you've somehow gone across this rule and broken it. If you wonder what it means then you basically cannot go against the laws posted for your rank.

Rank isn't the same thing as race!

4.) Degrading treatment (e.g. Words, acts, etc.) is not permitted, punishment is humiliation in front of the king. This is a scary one... This usually happens before fourteen and you can't dance with the King ever. (ӀմϲƘվ Եհҽʍ)

5.) Love is fully allowed if the preacher says you're truly in love. This one is really cute! You basically get told by one of the preachers {usually angels} that your loved you or not.

You might be interested in the races. There is ten! One scaling to ten is how common they are. One being really common and ten being super rare!

1.) Werewolves/Weredogs. 90,000-109,000
They're manly! They have either dog ears or wolf ears! The animals are also common here too! They usually like meat, they also like berries!

2.) Bunnies! 70,000-100,000
AHH!! Super cute race! They have little puffy tails and talk long ears! Some are really scary though..m

3.) Humans! 67,000-90,000
The 'normies' in other places! Basically what vamps would look like if they had no fangs or the need to eat blood!

4.) Vampires. 60,000-86,000
They're cool! Yeah~ sure they do drink but not human blood. (Unless there's consent then it's okay! If not then they have to repent, e.g. If they kill them they'll die, if they take some then they have to do work/stuff the family says for a short while, etc.) They eat hospital blood or substitutes! The subs can be for them if taken for to long.

5.) Sirens. 54,000-67,000
They're kinda mean when they're hungry. Other then that, they're kinda like deformed merfolk! (Not my words but my friends.)

6.) Merfolk! 40,000-57,000
Tailed creatures known as fish people! Addressed as mermaids, mermen, or merfolk! Very pretty tails. Very petty people. Downgraded elves.

7.) Angels! 37,000-39,000
Commonly known as the matchmaker of the group. Most are extroverted and only a quarter are corrupt or dark.
Difference is that corrupt is when they did something extremely wrong but only three or less times. They have grey and black spots on their wings. Dark have fully grey wings or fully black wings.
Black is caused by doing something extremely wrong more then sixteen times and grey is caused by doing something extremely wrong more then four or more times.

8.) Phoenixes! 1,200-40,000
Me!!! I have wings {like the rest of my species} and most wings are red and orange. My mother has blue ones and I have green though!

9.) Elves. 200-300
Wealthy whores. Pointy ears. Red lips and cheeks. Bitches. Don't like them. Super mean.

10.) Incubus or Succubus! 30-200
Can attract any other race other than own with powers. Only demon species that are born here (As demons always mate in their home country and give birth there). Have horns. Are usually candidates for becoming King. They are unstoppable if you're not a demon or higher rank.

The ranks can be weird because of mating cycles sometimes because ranks can go with other ranks, although uncommon in some parts of our country.

I wonder if I put enough detail...

"Hey kiddo! We're gonna be late of you don't hurry up!" Oh, that's my mom calling me. I rush downstairs to the front door near my mother.

"All right! Now what? Do we... Just go? In our car or do we walk? I heard people walk there instead of using their cars," I stammered out. Well what can I say? I was really nervous.

"It's an old tradition to walk there so most who don't know don't get chosen! So we shall walk," my mother said with a look of confidence on her face. "You know... The last King was a very pretty lad! She was a fine fellow, everyone loved her and so did I! But as times grew on I found love in another man. What I'm trying to say is, don't be sad if you lose! You'll find another love some day."

I've heard this many times from my mother so i responded in the way I always responded, "Yes I know, I won't fully and truly fall in love. With someone else I will," I say with a sly look on my face as I know my mother won't have a husband as fancy (also known as handsome) as mine. Well, we're going now! The walks short (As we live kinda close) but it's enjoyable.

"We're here kid! So go out there and shine! Not a lot of kids this year huh?" My mother says this cause a ton of kids went abroad around the age of 10. Still a lot of kids though. My mother says there were hundreds last time, but now there's... A lot less then when she was here? Don't really know.

Well... Here we are!

Word count: 1204
Mkay... so what y'all think about this chapter? I honestly will laugh if y'all don't figure something out. Well that's all for today so PEACE!ALSO! If you find shizz that's wrong with my story then tell meh ;^; I don't like to edit 👌

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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