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Dearest Magnus the Magic,

I am so sorry for not coming for your tooth in my usual timely fashion. You see I was jailed for treason and was awaiting an audience with the Grand Realm Keeper. Charges stemmed from sharing information about Aelfric and Waterlilly.

You'll recall fairy relationships to their individual humans and fairy identities are private matters and especially in these dark times, the Grand Realm Keeper should have taken no chances with the causes of Mordvor. I was just released and am writing so as not to worry you. I've not fallen under the curse. However, the Grand Realm Keeper has conferred with the High Fairy and agreed that I must encourage you to put your riddance of your most dark and gnarled habits in each tooth.

While Mordvor remains ongoing, my resistance is fiercer than ever now that I have approval from the High Fairy the Grand Realm Keeper to share selective information with you to help in your fight. She believes me about the cause of the curse but she is also concerned that bad habits contribute. She commands that I not return again unless you focus some energy on bad habits. But be not afraid of your purpose, oh bright boy. Your tactics are working here in Gnufflefoxen and there is nothing such a strong will as yours cannot accomplish.

Still, Mordvor had spread farther than I'd previously realized. Fairies throughout all realms have been failing to wake. Children must keep imagining! It shall work and the glitter of geodes shall shine again. My latest round of dart frogs are jumping higher than ever. I have plans to make very special instruments from wood of the birthplace of these springy and carefully fostered gigglefeet. Jumping and song will surely wake fairies far and wide with merriment. And with Holidays for children to play away days and days, with carolling and song on the horizon, all shall be well in due time.

All my love,

Tobias Hawthorne Gigglefoot VonRassmusson, III

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