Ultimate! Spider-man x Reader- Part 2- A Peaceful Moment

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Requested by Wingstar, hope you like it (also I'm running out of Ultimate! Spider-man fanart....someone send help...)

Part 1:


Now, onto the sequel-shot!

"Hey Pete, want in on the next round?" Sam asked, waving the spare controller in the air as Luke sighed in defeat.

"Maybe later" he hugged the couch pillow and looked out the window, making Sam groan.

"Jeez Webhead, you can't keep moping every time (Y/N) goes on a mission with that doctor strange guy." Peter ignored Sam's comment, making Sam pout and turn to Danny.
"Talk some sense into him, will ya?" Danny nodded and turned to face Peter.

"Peter, you know as well as I do that the Doctor's missions take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. We must wait and be patient for her to return." Danny spoke, but Peter just gripped the pillow he held tighter.

"I know, but she said this would only take a few days, yet she's been gone for a little over a week."

"I don't know much about this Dr. Strange guy who (Y/N)'s with, but she can take care of herself, we've seen her in action plenty and she's handled herself just fine, so we shouldn't be worried about her." Luke spoke up, Peter only let out a small sigh this time.

"Alright, yeah, (Y/N) can take care of herself. She'll be just fine." He reassured himself aloud, a slow smile coming to his face.

"After all, what's the worst that could happen?" And at that moment, there was a large boom, making Peter immediately vault over the couch to look out the window, seeing a portal opened in the sky as ships began to come out.

"Oh Peter! Is that the furnace again?!"
"Uhhh no Aunt May! It's definitely not the furnance..." Peter muttered the last part as everyone else crowded around the window.

"That doesn't look too good."

"No kidding it doesn't!"
"So uh...who else wants to 'go to the gas station for more snacks'?" Peter did air quotes and the others nodded.
"Yeah, sounds good."
"Aunt May, we're going out for snacks, we'll be back soon!"
"Or who knows?! Maybe we won't!" Peter shot a glare at Sam's comment.


"Nevermind, let's just go. See ya soon Aunt May!" Peter called one more time as the group filed outside.

"Alright Peter! Don't get home too late!" Aunt May called from the kitchen before Peter shut the door.


"Ok, what's the plan Spidey?" White Tiger asked.
"Well we should find whatever's causing this and shut it down."

"Maybe we should find Fury, he might know what's going on better than we do."
"Yeah, but we may not have time for that, if worst comes to worst we'll escape and come up with a new strategy but if you haven't noticed there's an alien invasion going on right now." Spider-man answers, casually shooting webbing mid-swing into the vents of a small ship, causing it to crash into street and away from civilians.

"Uh, isn't that what we usually do? Y'know, in emergencies?" Sam asked, making Luke sigh.

"Yeah, pretty much."
"Hey! It always works out in the end!"
"Guys, ssh! We're here." White Tiger scolded Spider-man, who immediately dropped his voice.

"Sorry." The team gathered at the edge of the roof to inspect the situation.
"Loki, of course, why am I not surprised?" Spider-man shook his head disappointedly.

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