Lion-O x Male! Reader Pt. 2- A New Home

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Requested by Wrighterquarter145, I tried to do research on the slang for some other characters but I don't know how I did with that least I tried I guess??? Also I haven't finished Thundercats so *shrugs* guess this is like a perfect world scenario 

(Also I didn't put the link 'cause there's only one Lion-O x Male! Reader in my first book) 

The sun was beating on you, the cloaks you and your new friends wore didn't help with the heat. It had been months since you last communicated through your phone to (B/F/N)'s, you knew that she probably accidentally broke it during a fight. Even though you were a still long ways from New Thundera, you could see the white walls of the city and small clean-up crews salvaging the abandoned tanks. It had been about a month since you heard about the defeat of Mumm-ra, since you were in the desert on the outskirts of civilization. You also heard that Lion-O was rebuilding Thundera, but the walls were to be taken down as the city-state would be welcome to all species. You glanced at the people on either side of you, your hunch was right, there were more humans here other than you and (B/F/N), you just hoped that you guys could do something to help once you got to New Thundera. You just hoped that Lion-O would be happy to see you again...

Oracle nudged you lightly, snapping you out of your thoughts as she pulled her dark cloak tighter around herself.

"Thanks Oracle." She only gave you a small nod in return, Oracle was probably the only one who talked the least out of the group and the only one out of the others who was in the middle of having her life force drained by Mumm-ra by the time you got there.

When you got to the gate, a guard stopped you.

"Halt, I must ask any and all suspicious figures who you are and what brings you to New Thundera."

"We are here to speak to your Lord, Lion-O." You answered clearly, but the guard just scoffed.
"So does everyone else. Who are you anyway?"
"I was an ally to Lion-O in his fight against Mumm-ra."
"What do you mean by was?" The guard leaned in, narrowing his eyes as he tried to see what was under your hood.
"I...well..." you started, how could you explain this in the easiest way possible?

"What's with all the racket!? The only thing we should be hearing are the sounds of this wall coming down!" (B/F/N) grinned, making you and the guard to look up and see her on the top of the wall. She jumped and did a somersault before doing the superhero landing, the force of her jump creating a small crater.

"These people wish to see Lord Lion-O but refuse to answer my questions Lady (B/F/N)." The guard answered.

Lady? Since when did that happen?
"I see, well you guys should at least take off your hoods." (B/F/N) spoke, you nodded.

"Of course, but with the discrimination I faced when I first got here, I didn't know if I should take off my hood. But now I see that I had nothing to worry about." You took off your hood, revealing your face as you smiled at (B/F/N).
"(Y/N)! About time you got here! I'll escort them personally to Lord Lion-O, you don't have to worry about them. Keep up the good work soldier!" (B/F/N) grinned, saluting the soldier, before turning to you.

"Come on, I might have to give you another undercut after you meet up with Lion-O, your hair totally grew in a lot. You look like a wolf boy." (B/F/N) grinned as you passed the wall before stopping and staring at Oracle.

"Hey, is that Mumm-ra?"
"Oracle? No, Mumm-ra brought humans to this world to use as batteries. I found Oracle when Mumm-ra was mid-draining her." You explained as Oracle appeared behind (B/F/N), but then again Oracle was always fast when she wanted to be. Oracle placed her bandaged hand on (B/F/N)'s shoulder, making her jump before turning to the cloaked figure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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