By The Way

787 40 15

(Baku is Emo and Dramatic™️)

Bakugou's Pov

They're gone. They performed and then.. up and left. Why am I so sad? I didn't even know them. Grumbling, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and opened the groupchat.

Don't Answer.

Baku: Hey fuckers

Todo: Texting first? What'd you do with my brother in law

Baku: Shut up I'm not your brother in law

Shinsou: 🤐

Baku: Did I miss something?

Todo: Mido and I got engaged at the concert last night.

I stared at the screen for a long time. The words whirled around my head. I was happy for my brother, I was. But why is this new information to me?

Shinsou: in other news, i miss my babey already

Baku: I didn't text you fucks to be gay
Baku: I have.. a problem

Todo: Your existence is a problem

Baku: You know what, fuck off

I slammed my phone down and almost yelled, I hated them. "Can I please.. stay home today.." I asked to no one in particular. Rolling around in bed, I rubbed at my eyes and curled back into a ball.

He was on my mind. In a loop. That fucking dumbass smile of his.

He was so.. annoying. But in a cute way.

Fuck I like him. I can't do anything about it now... I'm so dumb...

Rolling around in bed, I wonder what it's like to travel the world like they do. I checked the time silently and cursed, I really had to get up and get around for work.


Work is boring as fuck. No more surprise visits from the three stooges. I moped around half the day.

Having very few clients that day, I mostly sat up at the front desk. Once in a while someone would walk in, ask a few questions, and leave.

Jirou was working today, they're about the only person I can stand here. Soy Sauce never shuts up.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, pulling up a stool and taking a seat next to me. "Hey Katsuki. You're not yourself today. Are you okay?" I heard Jirou calmly ask. I looked up at them and grunted, "'M fine, just tired."

They sighed, "You haven't yelled at either me or Sero today. You didn't even acknowledge your brother when he came in here earlier." "Deku was here?" Thoroughly confused, I raised my eyebrows at the purple haired girl.

"He was. He wanted to talk to you but you seemed so out of it, he didn't want to bother you." Was he gonna talk to me about the engagement?

"I'll text him later." Jirou sighed, getting up to return to work. "I'm here to talk, yknow. You can trust me." They gave me a soft smile before walking away.

What's wrong with me?

The day went on, I trudged home in silence. For once I dreaded going home. My roommate was probably home by now and I wouldn't be able to stand him right now.

I can barely stand him as is.

Opening the door to my apartment, I heard a shout. "INTRUDER!" Sighing, I yelled back, "SHUT UP BRAINWASH!" I heard his snicker down the hall. 

I grabbed a water from the fridge and trudged into my room, slamming my door. Turning off my hearing aids, I lay silently in bed for the rest of the night.

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