Chapter 30

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Nadee and Suchirat Rojanapat were cleaning the kitchen, having just finished their dinner, when they received a rather excited call from their son. 

'Hello mom... mom, turn on your computer and check our official website. Now, now, now.. come on... go,go..'

'Arthit, baby calm down. What's the matter? Why are you so hyped? No, don't answer that. You are always hyped.' Nadee said indicating her husband to turn on his computer. While Suchirat got the computer started Nadee put Arthit on speakers.

'Really Arthit, what is this about? Are you going to put out a new album again?'

'Not exactly mom just.. just check the website na... Hurry up!!'

'Cool your pants child. It take time for this ancient machine to wake up.' Suchirat said to the overexcited puppy on the other end.

'How many times have I offered to replace that relic. Seriously dad, that thing probably saw the second world war. I swear if I were to inform the Archaeological Department, they'd come and take it away to be preserved in a museum.' Arthit said. 

Nadee and Suchirat shared a knowing look. Ever since Arthit was thirteen the kid has been earning enough money to cover all his expenditures and even help his parents with household expenses. Even though a trainee, Arthit's gift was too precious to go unnoticed and he got many individual projects. Nadee and Suchirat sometimes felt that Arthit was being raised by himself. 

Things only got worse since three years ago when SKY made their debut and became and overnight success. Arthit earned a lot with band activities and individual activities. There's literally nothing Nadee and Suchirat had to buy for him because the crazy fans and sponsors took care of that as well. For example, on Arthit's sixteenth birthday the two mother and father had commissioned an excellent tailor to get a tuxedo made especially for Arthit. Later they found out that on that same day Arthit had received two more sets of tuxedos, one from Italy curtsy of a crazy fan and the other from France from a famous brand.

While the two had been rather depressed over this, Arthit had suddenly come home, unannounced, on the day after his birthday. Of course Nadee and Suchirat went to town with preparing a sumptuous dinner for their son despite feeling inadequate as parents. While Nadee and Suchirat were getting ready for bed, Arthit had come to their room, lied in the middle of the bed beside Nadee and had told a lot about his life as a celebrity. The crazy schedule, the fans, the team mates, company, all the fun things that were happening, exciting places he'd got to visit etc. But what he said last had made the two parents extremely proud and humble at the same time.

Tired from all the talking Arthit was almost falling asleep when he'd said,

'But you know what mom, despite all those things, home is the best. I get to eat the food you cook, Nobody else can make it like you do. They always lack the most important ingredient.'

Nadee, who'd been stroking Arthit's silky hair had spoken lightly.

'Hmm... What is it?' 

To which Arthit had replied with a small yawn,

'Mom and dad's Love.' Nadee's and Suchirat's eyes had met over Arthit's head. Without words to confirm, both of  had known the other's heart was filling with a profound feeling only a child could give to a parent.

Almost asleep, Arthit had mumbled, 

'Of course home is best. Mom and dad are here.' That night the family of three spent a peaceful night the two parents protectively hugging their precious cub.

Now that same cub was impatiently yipping on the phone for it's parents to visit the SKY official website. 

'So tell us, what is all this excitement about?' Nadee asked putting Arthit on speaker phone so that Suchirat can join in the conversation. 

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