Yellow eyes

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This is a request from IAmAChildren

Lukas would come home every day from school, hang his backpack up, put his shoes near the door and head to the kitchen. He swore after an accident there was always something in the corner near the door way to the kitchen. His dad told it was just his imagination but one day what seemed to be innocent imagination turned into terrifying reality 

Lukas was in the car looking out the window his cat was sitting on his lap purring from Lukas stroking her. Lukas and his dad just took her to the vet cause she's been acting strange. The car ride was slow and steady.  " Hey dad what did the vet say? " Lukas asked looking in the mirror of the car. " Lukas you were there, remember. " His dad said softly. Lukas looked down at the cat. His dad let out a sigh "I'll tell you when we get home okay bud.” Lukas held his head trying hard to remember" I'm s-sorry I c-can never remember ” he was clawing at his head desperate to remember. " Lukas please calm down it's not your fault, anyways we need to pick up your prescription. "  Lukas seems like a  normal kid to most but he suffers from a severe case of short term memory loss. He can't even remember his own  name he's been pick on and bullied even told by a teacher that he was the stupidest kid they ever had to teach. It has caused many emotional problems for him. Quincy his cat was the only copping mechanism that worked besides his medications. They had arrived at the pharmacy. "Stay in the car I'll be right back" his dad said stepping out of the car. "Okay" Lukas said muffled by his coat. Quincy jumped into the front seat and started pawing at the window. "Quincy come back here please". Lukas undid his  seat belt  an reached for his cat and nudged the gauge putting the car out of parked. He wasn't paying attention; the car started to roll backwards. His dad was handing over his credit card to pay for the medication. He looked down at the white bag in his hand and sighed. "Here you go sir." The young woman behind the counter spat with ignorance. He took the card and a blood curdling snapped him out of his thoughts. A glance out the window sent him to sprint the door slammed in alliance with the crash. He jumped over the other wrecked car, and reached through the shattered glass of the car's window to unlock the window. The car door flung open while sirens rang in the distance. He picked up Lukas holding him blood running down his child's face indicated that its going to be a long night. "Lukas say something please." Tears were running down his face.
Seven hours later -

Lukas woke up not remembering anything he look around to see if he could see his dad or even Quincy. The room was white all he could see. " Lukas are you up. " It took a moment of realization for Lukas to see he was in the hospital. " D-dad I'm sorry i-i. " "Lukas it's okay your safe I shouldn't of left you in the car." His dad smiled gently Lukas held his head trying to remember what happened with the car. "Lukas good morning, how is your head." The nurse asked as Lukas went to scratch at his head but his nails were blocked by bandages. "What happened with the car, why do I have bandages, what happened to Quincy." He asked calm but still frantic. The nurse looked at his dad concerned. "How does he not remember a thing he was talking to us while we were putting on the gauze." " I'm sorry I should have told you or the doctor he has severe short term memory loss. " Lukas tried to gather his thoughts and quickly snap out of it. "Lukas we can go home now." With those words just saying them made him happy. On there way home they said nothing there was just antagonizing silence. "So..." Lukas tried to break the silence but it was useless they were now carpooling with his dad's friend. The car ride was slow and was testing Lukas's ability not to talk. They arrived home it was dark  the porch like was on flickering ominously. The door open Lukas and His dad stepped through the door his dad closed it behind them. The air was tense as Lukas was looking for his cat. "Dad" Lukas called , "where is Quincy." "..." Lukas walked back to the kitchen in the corner of his eye he saw a slender body creature glared at him with prestigious yellow eyes. He rubbed his eyes to see if it was a fragment of  his imagination; it was standing there with claws that make butcher knives look dull. He ran to the kitchen, slid under the table panicked. His dad was startled by the sudden change in emotions showed that Lukas needed to take his medicine. "Lukas what's wrong, come here i have something I have to tell you."
Lukas crawled out from under the table and sat down in the chair next to his father. "Quincy was killed in the crash, but I have this for you." He pulled out Quincy's collar the tags were all still attached. Lukas held his hands out to hold the collar, tears pricked both of there eyes ; threatening to fall. He stared at the now ownerless collar and sobbed. Quincy was the only thing that stayed with him when he was alone. His father picked him up slowly bringing him to his chest. Lukas didn't know what to do but cry. His dad started to take him upstairs but in the corner of his eye he saw it again the slender cat like creature with its vibrant yellow eyes following his dad's footing. He hid his face in his dad's coat trying not to look at it. When he was upstairs his dad tucked him in and wished him good night, his dad left shutting off the light and closing the door. Lukas was now all alone in his dim room was the light from the moon through his window. Lukas fell asleep but not for long he woke up to loud agonizing scratching, he sat up and looked at the door, it was still closed. He went back to sleep until he heard the scratches again. He got out of bed and looked out the window 'it might have been a branch" he thought to himself self he looked at the door it was still closed, he went back to sleep. Lukas woke up again but the scratches sounded closer he looked at the door it was still closed, he looked at the window it was open, Lukas tried to think if he opened it, he got up to close it but he could reach he grabbed his step ladder closed it and went back to bed.  He woke up to scratches in his ear to close for comfort. He shot up out of bed he looked at the window it was closed, he heard a loud creaks he looked at the door it was open. The moon light revealing four deep scratches in the door's wood. He got up quickly and closed it and ran under the covers of his bed. Lukas was scared and hyperventilating he heard a small meow. He removed the covers from over his head looking in the corner of his room there were small yellow eyes he got up and walked over. "Q-Quincy" he went to pet what he thought was his cat the creature rised standing at least seven feet tall Lukas looked up at the thin cat-like creature staring into its glassy yellow eyes. "N-nice k-kitty" it lowered its head its jagged teeth  being showed in the moon light. In one quick movement it sunk it's teeth into Lukas's shoulder. Lukas passed out.
"BEEP" the machine at the hospital made a sound that no one wants to run Lukas's dad ran wit a couple doctors to room 114 Lukas was lying in the bed all ready dead from an attack by a wild animal.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story if you want another like it give me some  ideas in the comments
Have a derpyyy day~

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