You Should be medicated

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I'm just like everyone I hang out with friends, I have a loving family. My family consists of my loving husband and a beautiful baby girl. I love life well now. I was holding my baby Nalice while she was sleeping in my arm. She is the most precious thing I've ever seen. My husband was working like normal. I set her down on the couch not wanting to disturb her sleep she was only 9 months old. I started making dinner for my husband before the door was kicked opened. I stopped cooking walking out the kitchen. "How was your day honey" He glared at me "my day was good before until I had to come home." I looked down "don't say that please" I began to tear up. The baby started crying I walk over picking her up cradling her. "But it's true I'm tired of you and that horrid 'baby'." He stomped up stairs. "I-I love you too" I said with some hope he would be in a better mood later. "Shhhhh sweetheart everything is okay." I said to her smiling thankfully she stopped crying. I went back to making dinner after setting her down in her crib.

(One Hour Later)

"Honey Dinner's ready" I yelled up the stairs but not to loud. There was no response. I called up once more. I gave up having him come down stairs so I picked up Nalice and took a stroll outside I walked off the porch looking around. A strange truck with a health organization symbol on the side. A man stepped out of the vehicle. "Sarah Starling is it?" I nod stepping back. "How do you know my name." I held Nalice to my chest tightly ready to run. "I'm from the mental health organization from around here." He said walking up towards me. I stepped back, it glimpsed around realizing he's not alone. I ran inside, ducking and hiding in the closet holding Nalice close to me. "We only want to help you we know what happened."

P.O.V change

My and my partners  and I began looking around for Miss Starling we were about to give up when we heard movement in the closet. We've been trying to talk to Miss Starling for a few years. Two years ago her husband  died in a work accident, 3 years before that she murdered her 9 month old daughter. This case was a sad one she has the child's remains in a doll. The house smells of blood and waste. We open the closet she was clenching on to the doll speaking to it.
We had to pry her out and hold her. After and hour or so we finally had her In the car on tranquilizer we took the doll placing it into a plastic bag. We drove to the institute having her placed into her room. I went to the lab with the doll it was confirmed that it was fill with remains. I gently open it bones fell out and coagulated blood and small bloated looking organs spilled out. I gagged looking away I've done multiple murder cases but this was startling. The poor child. A few days after Miss Starling escaped, We went to the office in the lab it was thrashed papers every were and in the chair was Harold he handled most of the evidence but, a pair of scissors were stabbed into his throat and blood on the wall read "NEVER TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME AGAIN" I was in total shock when we heard something
Move behind us...

[To Be Continued]

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