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"WAKE UP YOU SWINE" I got slapped across the face as slowly opened my eyes to reveal the man who I was supposed to call father, I hesitantly got up from my half broken bed and covered my face with my hands as I saw the man who I once loved leave the room. I headed towards the washroom and locked the door behind me.

I washed my face and carefully inspected the large red hand mark on my left cheek, the mark stung yet I was used to the pain. I poured a bit of warm water over the mark in hopes to lessen the stinging as it did, I grabbed the foundation and concealer I hid in my tampons box and start covering all my bruises from my neck to my cheek. Once I look at myself in the mirror I couldn't see any bruises just the one in my arms that would be covered with my hoodie. I let my brown hair flow to my waist and threw on a oversized blue hoodie and some black leggings.

I wasn't a poor person, in fact I was pretty well off. When my mom left my dad she left me a good amount of money, which of course my "dad" used to buy and sell drugs which led to me living in a nice house. But of course why would my "dad" waste his money on me which explains the broken bed. My room isn't that bad there's my bed, my walk in closet which is filled with hoodies and maybe 1 or 2 really old t-shirts and the rest are sweats or leggings. I live in a detached house in a neighborhood full of the sweetest people on earth, who have learned to not question my fathers yelling after living around us for so long.

I need to get to school, the place where I'm safe from my dad but not from Aless she's a bitch who thinks she's the best and loves to come at me. I grab my bag and drink some water before running out of my house and catching the bus thanking god for me not running into my dad, he's not that bad you know. He doesn't always beat me he's nice sometimes too, my mom only left us a year ago which affected my dad deeply, she left for some guy. My dad always apologizes for his behaviour but then again he's drunk when he hits me, I've tried to stop him but it's useless.

I get onto the bus as I sit at the very back put in a pair of headphones and listen to music the rest of the ride to school.

I hop out the bus onto the concrete side walk as I start making my way towards my school gates, I check my phone to see there's still 5 minutes till school start.

I lean against the hard school wall and close my eyes letting the soft spring breeze blow into my hoodie causing my body to shiver. I open my eyes to a deafening cackle which belongs to the old ass evil queen herself Aless. " oh what do we have here, seems like a some trash. You know you should really just go and throw yourself into a dumpster really seems like a perfect place made just for you" she states as her 2 minions Kate and Jessica laugh. " what do you want Aless" I say showing no sign of emotion. " your in my way dumb bitch" she says and grabs me by my hoodie and throws me to the side, while she clickity clacks her ass to god knows where. Suddenly I feel a hand on my should as I quickly turn around there he is standing right in front of me, Ryder. The school bad boy the girls eye candy, he sure was a hotties there's no doubt in that. What's he doing infront of me, I've never even made eye contact with this man. What does he want.


Hi there! I'm a new write this is my first book please don't judge it :) I made this book to by pass qurantine and I thought it would be fun! Please let me know if you have any suggestions on the book and vote and comment, I'll try my best to always keep these authors notes short! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
-sincerely anonymous-writer

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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