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So everyone is locked up in their house. It's great that we're taking a lot of measures to stop the spread. (Although if a certain president had started testing in January the whole country wouldn't be on lockdown, but ok.)

I finally got a girlfriend, but now that we can't see each other, we barely talk. In fact, I can barely talk to my friends, some oc them haven't responded in weeks.

It feels so fucking lonely because I can't talk to anyone. Of course I could text or call them, but it's just different when they're actually there.

My family is moving in about a month, so my parents are extremely stressed. My brother is more of an introvert than me, so he doesn't want to talk to me.

I've been a little more depressed lately, but that's a whole other topic.

I feel bad about venting. I have it so much better than a lot of people, and yet I'm here complaining about trivial things. While people are actually dying because of a world wide pandemic, I'm annoyed that I can't talk to my friends.

If anyone has a shit life, I'm willing to trade bodies with you. You would probably do better with it than I could.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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