{#1} The Bus Stop {Merome}

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(As a note to start, I normally get my prompts for this from the Tumblr blog: otpprompts. So I guess you could go follow? Idk... And I won't post the prompt here, for spoilers. But if you manage to go d the one you think I used, good for you~) (Also, if and when someone might actually read this, you can always message me a prompt abd ship and I'll write it, or put to the comments... Thanks, I guess...)

         It was late at night, snowing lightly, the small snowflakes dropping on my coat and suitcase. Christmas Eve, and I'm waiting for the bus to Pennsylvania. I've been living in Canada for a few years, so naturally, I'd been here quite a few times. It almost always snowed these nights. It was beautiful, with the snow light on the ground, with all of the colorful lights on the houses surrounding the stop.

        I hastily pull my phone out of my pocket. I unlock the screen, looking at the time. 9:24 PM. The bus is scheduled to come at 9:30... Not too much longer of a wait. It'll go by faster thinking of the wonderful times I'll have with my family. I'll get to see my parents again... I laughed a little. My little brother! I have a nice gift for him. He'll love it, I'm sure... But now, where the he'll is that bus?!

         As I stand on the curb, looking down the street, the occasional car passing by both directions, I caught sight of the bus. The bright headlights were sat a block down the road, stopped at a red light. It promptly changed to green, I stood, wiping the snow off my jacket. I grabbed my suitcase and backpack from the bench, and walked more toward the curb. The bus approached, but it didn't slow down. It passed right by me. No-one was on, just the driver.

         "GOD DAMMIT!" I yell out, collapsing on the bench. I put my face in my hands, silently cursing the driver out under my breath. I look up when I heard the sight squeal of a car's breaks. The car had stopped right in front of me, and a man about my age got out of the driver's seat. He made his way over to me, then sat himself right next to me. I sighed.

         "Hi.... I saw that the bus driver left you... I was wondering if you wanted a ride?" I looked at him skeptically, but also taking in his facial features. He had short brown hair, and dark brown eyes, as well as a short, scruffy beard. He was a very good looking man, and his big nose only seem more adorable. "Oh, I'm Jerome by the way!"

         He held out a hand for me to shake. "I'm Mitch. About the ride... Unless you're willing to drive me to PA, the answer's no." I sighed once more.

         "Were you going to visit family? I suppose we're both alone tonight, my flight to Jersey was canceled."

         "Yeah, I was... Sorry your flight was canceled, though..." A silence drifted between us as Jerome studied the ground. I looked him over a couple times. He seemed like a nice person... Then, his eyes lit up.

         "Hey! How would you feel if you came to my house, and we spent Christmas together?" I looked at him, shocked. "O-oh... Sorry. You don't have to if you don't want to..." Jerome said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

         "Oh! No! I'd love that!" I grinned widely at him, and he beamed, nodded, then stood.

         "Come this way to my humble abode, biggums!" He laughed, and I had to laugh along with him. Jerome walked over to the trunk, where I placed my stuff inside. We then walked to the front and climbed inside the car.

         "I want to get to know you a little better.... Do something like twenty questions?" He nodded in agreement, his eyes focused on the road. "Okay, you start. Give me a trait, or something to guess about... Like what your favourite color is..."

         "Alrighty... Go ahead and ask about my favorite color." Jerome glances over at me from the corner of his eye and smiles softly.

         "Is it a primary color?"


         "Yes, nineteen more questions...?" He rolled his eyes and laughed. "You'll probably get it next question."


         "Alright... Red?"

         "Yes... Now you get to tell me yours." He looked into my eyes as he said that, right after stopping at a red light. I felt a small blush on my cheeks.

         "Red, also!" I smiled widely at my newfound friend, who returned it, starting to drive again.

         We had played the game for the entire car ride, which was surprisingly long. It was an hour and a half to Jerome's, but I enjoyed the drive with him. He feels like a childhood friend I can tell anything to. We had learned a lot about each other. We both have YouTube channels, so he calls me 'Benja' sometimes, shortening my username. I love it, it just makes him more adorable, and making me fall for him more...

         "Alright my Benja! My heater is broken, so either you sleep with me, or freeze to death on the couch!" He was about to say something else, but I spoke first.

         "Couch. I'll take couch...." I said, still blushing a little. I was typing to hide my face behind my hands. But Jerome had different plans, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room.

         "Sleeping alone in my room is bad, so what makes you think I'm going to leave you on the couch?!" Jerome laughed. "No way, so you're sleeping next to me whether you like it or not." He turned around and gave me a smirk, which I rolled my eyes at. He let go of my hand and climbed into his bed. He patted the other side. "What you waiting for? Christmas?" I laughed, and awkwardly climbed in next to him. I pulled out my phone to send a quick text to my mother, explaining my circumstances, then placed it on the bedside table.

         "Night Jerome..." I got just a grunt in response.

         In the morning, I had a response from my mother. She had told me to keep safe, and the family sends lots of love, and good Christmas wishes. I smiled. Jerome seemed to already be up, and I smelled food. That was a definite yes. I climbed out of the bed, to say hi, and wish Jerome a Merry Christmas himself. After finding clothes to dress in, I left the bedroom, passed through the living room, and leaned on the kitchen door.

         "Morning Jerome. Merry Christmas." I gave him a still-not-quite-awake grin. He smiled.

         "Same to you, Benja!" He set down what he was doing and looked at me awkwardly. I raised my eyebrows in question. He simply coughed and jerked his head upwards. To that, I looked up. It was a fucking mistletoe. Of course, Jerome. I flushed red from embarrassment.

         "Well... Am I allowed to or no?" Jerome asks, looking at me with a cheeky grin. I stood up properly off the door frame, gesturing him over to me. It was kind of awkward, seeing we only met yesterday, but I liked it. Jerome pressed his lips to mine, and after a few seconds they found a rhythm. It was good, the kiss. It was good kissing the nice-looking man I had met, yesterday, and had grown so close to. After a minute, we pulled apart. I put my face in his shoulder, hiding my bright red face. Jerome placed his chin on top of my head. His arms were still around my waist, in a sort of protective hug.

         Jerome whispered, "Can... I kiss you again? I liked it." He blushed a dark red, and laughed. My only response was to push my lips back onto his.


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