Chapter 1- The Hannah Hart

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Swike's POV

The day I met Hannah was the day that I had gotten fired from my job. I guess you can call it the best and worst day if your life. I worked in the health care department when Hannah and I met. I still remember like it was yesterday.

I was sitting in a little booth and Cheesecake Factory with red eyes indicating that I had been crying with a Linda's Chocolate Fudge Cake.

"Are you okay?" Asked a short girl with short hair that was swept to the side.
"Uhhh yeah I'm fine," I sniffed.
What was this girl doing? Was she hitting on me?

"Do I couldn't help but see that you have a bloody marry. I love bloody marries too. Oh by the way my name is Hannah," she explained.

"Sarah," I said. "hey aren't you the Hannah from Hannah Hart's My Drunk Kitchen?" I asked quickly realizing what she reminded me of.

"Yeah! That's so cool that you know that!" She responded great fully.
"I have watched your videos for so long they are really funny!"
"Thanks so much" she said smiling.
"So what's gotcha down?"
"Well, I, recently just got fired from my job and my girlfriend broke up with me," I said in one breath and son how Hannah got that.

Hannah's POV
Yes! Score and bingo.
Calm down Hannah geez, I told myself.
"So how long have you been in the Health Care department? Since you know till now" I asked.
"Uhh 7 Years", she said.
"Wow that's a lot!" I replied exasperated by the number.
"Umm sorry I have to get back to my friends," I said awkwardly. "but hey! Why don't you come over and meet them?"
"Oh no, I don't want to barge in on you guys on like girls night or something" she sighed.
"Oh no I'm sure it's fine with them. Let me ask."
"Are you sure?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah I will be right back." I assured her.
I went back to Mamrie and Grace.
"So did you get her?" Asked Mamrie intrigued.
"Is it okay if I invite her over? She just lost two important things: her Job and..."
"And what?! They both said in unison.
"She lost her girlfriend" I said with a smile.
"It's your chance now Hart!" Chester said who had tagged along with Grace.
"Alright I will be right back."
I walked over to Sarah's table.
"Come lets go" I said.
"Thanks so much" she said.
"Yeah no problem" I said reaching for her hand to help her out of the booth.
"Alright guys this is Sarah Weikel otherwise known As Swike" I said introducing her.
"This is Grace and this is Mamrie," I said as Mamrie waved her hand. "And this is Chester," I said as he added a wave.
"It's nice to meet you all" she said as she sat down and I sat next to her in a huge booth.
We talked and asked Swike about her life and started taking shots at the Cheesecake Factory bar.
The last thing I remember is kissing someone, with blonde hair and red puffy eyes from crying.

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