Chapter 2

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Hannah's POV
I woke up with a pounding head and my clothes almost off. But I wasn't alone. A blonde headed girl er, woman, was next to me.
'Who the F is this girl?' I thought.
I snuck quietly out of the room to my kitchen with a sleeping Mamrie and ... 'Wait, where's Grace and Chester?' I thought.
I walked around my house to my spare bedroom to find them both naked sleeping and cuddling together with the sheets over them.
'How cute' I thought.

Swike's POV
I awoke with a sudden start because something told me to get up. I suddenly realized I wasn't in my own room. I slowly turned over to see a sleeping someone beside me. Hannah Hart. Crap! Oh god why did I have to sleep with someone I just met. I looked down, my clothes almost completely off just my underwear and bra. Out of all people! THE HANNAH HART! The YouTube sensation MDK host. Wats going to happen after I wake up? What will I do? Will there be an awkward silence and then me just leaving and never talking to her again? I couldn't do that! She's cute and I really really like her. Suddenly she started to move. I instantly shut my eyes.

Grace's POV
*flashback to last night*
We got drunk. Like really drunk. I wasn't drunk because of certain reasons and Chester pretended to be tipsy as did I. After we were done at the bar we all went to Hannah's house along with Sarah. I don't remember what happened but what I do remember is them both going in the same room and shutting the door. Chester brought me to the spare room.
"What Che's?" I asked.
He quickly kissed me passionately as I melted into him.
"Just because Swike and Hannah are having a fun night doesn't mean we can't," he grinned.
"But what about Mamrie?" I asked.
"She's half drunk and half asleep. She'll be fine."
We kissed until I started to unbutton his shirt and him kissing my neck. He started to remove my shirt and we fell into the bed with him on top of me.
I kissed his neck and he kissed mine.


Hey guys! Sorry this has been so long since I've written! I have been waiting until the number of views went up! For all of you Grester fanatics this chapter was for you!

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