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Lia: so lemme get this straight

Lia: so you're saying that people read our convos 10,000 times?

Yeji: I guess

Yeji: do they know about us dating?

Lia: 😐

Lia: I fucking quit

Ryujin: anyways, don't listen to them

Yeji: you're on to talk

Lia: Yuna called you a monster Ryujin, shut up

Ryujin: okAy lOoK-

Yuna: stop ganging up on ryujin :((


Chaeryeong: okay the main point you stalkers,

Chaeryeong: thanks for reading this 10,000 times but that's lowkey kinda scary

Ryujin: yeah, shouldn't the stalkers be at home not stalking us?

Lia: this is probably their only entertainment dumbass

Yuna: swear jar

Lia: we don't have a-

Lia: oh

Lia: *gives yuna 5 bucks*

Yuna: :)

Chaeryeong: righttt

Chaeryeong: stay safe stalkers!!!

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