last chaper :((

964 40 7

ryujin: aw man...never knew this would end so quickly

yeji: yeah me neither

lia: it was fun while we were here, but i guess we have to go for a while. or maybe forever 😔.

yuna: hey! don't talk like that! you never know when the author can come back to no where

chaeryeong: and that's only if this idiotic author remembers her password

lia: which she doesn't..

ryujin: what a clown

yeji: what a clown indeed

chaeryeong: but hey, at least the stalkers reading this can use this as a grave or something

lia: chaeryeong sweetie, i don't think that's something you should be happy about

yuna: i really don't wanna go :((

yeji: too bad it's almost the authors birthday too 😕

ryujin: wait when is it-

chaeryeong: it's june eleventh. not that far i guess

lia: aw man, our time is running out.

yuna: :(((

yeji: *siGh*

yeji; fine then yuna

yuna: yay!

lia: 3

lia: 2

lia: 1

itzy: thanks for being with us and the dumb author! i hope you stay safe. see you later, if we're lucky 😔.

a/n: i hate how i notice now, how short these chapters are. but i guess what they say is true. i'm gonna feel really bad after i see the comments 😔.

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