soundtrack: 2

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   Jeon Jungkook bowed out of full respect, holding his resume in his nervous hands

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   Jeon Jungkook bowed out of full respect, holding his resume in his nervous hands. Sweat accumulated in his palms as he musters the courage to thank the CEO. "Thank you PD," he says, his head lowered straight down with the refusal of eye contact. "I promise to fulfill your expectations as part of the company."

The director laughs, "Okay, c'mon. Lift your head, you're part of the team now." He taps the boy's head with his pen causing the other to flinch and instantly stand back up. "Since you're new to the crew, I suggest talking to the head manager to get yourself situated. I'm sure you'll fit in."

"Y-Yes sir!" Jungkook nodded furiously, "I'll get started right away."

"Before that," Bang PD announced, opening his palm for Jungkook to give the resume to. Jungkook spaces out a bit before rapidly blinking and passing the resume to him with numerous 'Sorry'. "Be confident, okay? I need to know you can talk on your own if you're going to work under my company."

"... I'm sorry," Jungkook bowed apologetically, "I'm just really nervous and-and I am very grateful for this opportunity! I won't disappoint you!"

"I know you won't, Mr.Jeon," The older man smiles, shaking his head and letting out a laugh. "Alright, I suggest you be on your way."

Jungkook bowed once last time before exiting the office. He's instantly tackled by one of the staff members waiting outside the door. Jungkook stumbles back a few steps, flustered at the sudden impact.

"Ahh, I'm so excited!" The staff member says, "I told you you'd get the job!"

"Adora!" Jungkook tsked softly, hugging her back politely and sighing. "I thought I was going to die in there."

"I really wish you worked in my department," She says, smiling a bit. "If you were a producer, work would be so much more funnier. Or you know... You could-"

"I can't go to university," Jungkook shakes his head, "Remember, I failed my exams? Plus, I want to do this. I really do."

Adora looked at him with slight somber. She shakes her head before reverting back to her usual smile. "I can walk you to the management department. I'll introduce you to Sejin, he's the head manager. He should have your ID with him if you're training to be him."

"I'm just working as an intern," Jungkook says, following Adora as she passed through the halls and into an elevator.

"Yeah, you're a lucky intern," Adora laughs, pressing one of the floor buttons as they step in. "Not many companies offer housing and food to their interns with their contract. The only bad thing is that you're unpaid."

"For a year, that's all," Jungkook shrugs, "I don't mind, it's not like I spend senselessly on alcohol or clothes."

"Oh yeah, you're twenty-two right?" Adora asks and Jungkook nods. "It's just with that baby face, I kinda forget you're not eighteen anymore."

"... You were there for my last three birthdays?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"I know, I know," Adora laughs at her own remark, "You just look young for twenty two. Plus, prepare for feeling hungover everyday when you start going drinking with the staff. All departments usually drink together when the boys win awards or they're overseas, but it depends on where PD placed you in."

"... He didn't tell me, but he said to go to the head manager," Jungkook says, stepping out when the elevator opens. "... Is that bad?"

"No, no. Of course," Adora shakes her hand, walking past various offices on the floor. "By the way, each floor has different departments. This is floor three, it's solely for the management era. Floor one is for our studios, so if you ever need me just come down there and I'll introduce you to the other producers. That floor has studios belonging to some of the boys, but I suggest not distracting them or going inside. floor two is for the dance studios, so of course the head choreographer works there. Floor four, gym for everyone. Floor five, cafeteria. Simple, isn't it? You can just call me to find my studio too."

Jungkook nodded, walking inside an office behind Adora. "Sejin!" Adora calls out, "Meet your new- I'm so sorry!"

"Knock, Adora. All you have to do is knock, please," Sejin sighed, "... Jimin."

Park Jimin sat on the office desk, shirtless. A black long sleeve is laying across his lap, he looks up from the floor with annoyance. His back is bent over, revealing his poking spine and back dimples to Sejin. Jimin stares with narrow eyes before slipping back on his shirt, his prominent muscles stealing Jungkook's gaze for a second.

Jungkook turns to the wall and looks at the wall with the most bewildered expression. He's flustered.

"I'm checking his bruises from dance practice," Sejin sighs loudly, "Turn around, please."

Adora and Jungkook slowly turned back around. Jimin picks up a box from the desk and shakes it in front of the two. "Medicinal pads," Jimin sighs, "I'm sore."

"S-Sorry, I'm sorry Mr.Park," Adora bowed in respect for the idol, shoving Jungkook down with her harshly. They both bow. "I didn't know."

"You know," Jimin says, hopping off the desk and grabbing the jacket by the chair. "I can get you fired. Be appropriate and mature next time, okay?"

"I made a mistake, I apologize," Adora says, her eyes glued to the floor. Her expression is fearful this time.

"Thank you, Sejin," Jimin says, boeing slightly to the man. "I'll see you at the press event."

"Feel better, Jimin," Sejin nodded back, waiting for the door to close after Jimin. "Are you crazy?! Adora I told you countless times to knock!"

"I-I forgot!" Adora stood back up and exclaims, "I didn't mean to!"

Sejin pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing loudly. "And the intern too?"

"Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook bowed, and pursed his lips. "I promise to fulfill all your expectations as part of the company."

Sejin shuffled around the desk before tossing a lanyard with an ID on it. "Take this as your first lesson as apart of the company, Jungkook."

Jungkook catches it instinctively. Placing it around his neck.

"Park Jimin doesn't like being seen as a sex symbol off stage," Sejin says, "So he's not uncomfortable with people watching him change. He gets upset when people look at him like that, so he'll get you fired. Be grateful, you two."

"C'mon now. I'll show you your tasks as an intern."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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