Pranks are fun

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Cameron's POV

"CAMERON!!!" I heard Nadine shout from the other side of our house we used as a base. A moment later she burst into my room. "Why, why the hell, are there FOUR HUNDRED PENNIES ON MY FLOOR?!?!" I gave her a big grin. "Confuse, don't abuse." I replied, rolling off my bed and onto the floor. "I swear to God, if you don't get in there and clean it RIGHT NOW, I will turn into a lion and eat you!!" Nadine yelled, turned around, and stormed out. "You love me Nads, and you know it!!" I yelled after her. "Just clean the damn floor!!" She yelled back. "Finnnneee." I said, standing up. 

I left my room, walked down the hall, crossed the great room, and entered her room. I stretched my hand out over the floor, and all the pennies rolled into a big penny ball, hovering over the floor. I then walked back to my room, bringing the pennies with me. I dumped them into a container, and walked back out to the living room, kitchen, dining room combo, and flopped onto the couch. "Alexi, whens food?? I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyy." I whined. 

Alexi rolled his eyes. "You're ALWAYS hungry Cam. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes." "Thank youuuuuu." I said. "I heard Nadine find your pennies. Did she threaten to turn into a lion and eat you again?" I laughed. "Yes, yes she did." Alexi smiled. "One day, you two are gonna drive each other insane." I nodded. "Yeah, but I love her. Wouldn't trade her for anyone." "Aww, I love you tooooo." I heard Nadine say from behind me. "But I am so getting you back." I stuck my tongue out at her. Nadine sat next to me on the couch, pushing her long brown hair out of her face. I was hanging off the couch, so my back was where my butt would normally go. "You want me to give you a haircut?" I said, laughter in my voice. She recoiled at the idea. "Hell no. Last time you completely butchered my hair!!" I laughed at the memory. "That's right, I diiiiiid." I taunted. Alexi shook his head. 

"Ya'll are crazy. Anyhoo, foods ready." Alexi said. "HELL YEAH!" I yelled. I rolled my legs over my head, and landed on my knees on the floor. I then got up and ran to the counter. Alexi knew I was going to do this, and had already placed a plate of pasta and a fork and my spot. "Thank you Alexi!!" I said, before digging in. "Damnit Cam, you can stop to breathe. No one's gonna take your food." He said, laughing, as I got seconds. "I told you I was hungry!" I said, defensive, but smiling. "Remind me not to get in the way of your food." Nadine said, laughing.

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