New People and Coffee is Gross

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After dinner, we were all just relaxing and not really doing anything. Then there was a knock on the door. We all looked at each other. "No one expect our spies should know we're here." Alexi said. "We have to answer it." Nadine replied. "I'll take the top." I said, grabbing one of our many rifles we had laying around. I then climbed the ladder to our little balcony that you had good range for the front door on the inside. I hopped over the railing, cocked my gun, and aimed at the middle of the door. While I climbed, Nadine and Alexi had grabbed pistols and cocked them. "You ready?" Nadine asked me. "Always." I replied. She nodded and opened the door.

A girl with shoulder length brown hair stood there, looking terrified. "Who are you, and how did you find us?" Alexi demanded. "M-My name is Pepper, and a girl saved me from the rebellion and s-sent me here." "Who sent you?" Nadine hissed. "She, she said to tell you that Tomatoes sent me." We all relaxed. Tomatoes, real name Wendy, was our most trusted spy. Nadine and Alexi looked up at me. It was our rule that we all asked at least one question before we could let them in. "Do you know how to Dutch and French braid?" I asked. "W-what?" She asked. "Do you know how to Dutch and French braid?!" I asked again. "Yes." She said. "Finally. I can't figure it out, and Nads refuses to learn. I hope you know that I will now ask you to braid my hair every day." I said. I hopped back over the railing, and quickly climbed down. "Welcome to base." I said. I took her hand and dragged her inside.

Nadine shut the door behind us. "My names Cameron, other girls Nadine, he's Alexi." I put my gun back where it was, turning the safety back on.  "You hungry?" She nodded. I looked at Alexi. "One sandwich, coming up." He said, hurrying off to the kitchen. "You allergic to anything?" He asked. "Uh, walnuts." She said. "Got it." He replied. "So uh, do you know why she sent you to us?" Nadine asked. I made Pepper sit down on the couch. "Uh, she said I fight good for an amateur." Nadine and I raised an eyebrow. "Tell us what happened in the fight." I said. "Uh, I was in the streets, and this group of like ten people came up to me. They wanted me to join them. I said no. They got mad. I broke one guys jaw and another guys hand. But there was just too many people. But she came out, and saved me. She said You fight good for being an amateur, go to this address. When they ask, tell them Tomatoes sent you. And here I am." I nodded. "If she sent you, then you must be pretty good. How are you with weapons?" I asked. "Uh, I've never used them," Pepper said. "Well then I guess we'll train you. Can't rely on your hands forever." I said. Pepper nodded. 

Alexi came back with a peanut butter sandwich. "Here you go. Eat that and then we should all go to bed." We nodded. 


The next morning, I was eating Poptarts and scrolling through my phone, Alexi was making granola, and Nadine was making coffee. Pepper came out of her room, and sunk onto the counter. "You drink coffee?" I ask, not looking up. "Yeah," She said. "Black?" Nadine asked. "Hell no, that's gross." Nadine laughed. "Milk?" Nadine asked. Pepper nodded. "Still don't understand how you drink that." I said, rolling my eyes. "Oh, shut up. You have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I've ever met." Nadine said, rolling her eyes right back. "Exactly. It's fricken disgusting. Don't get it." I retort. "Says the girl eating sugar for breakfast!" She shot right back. "It's delicious." I said, standing up from my stool. "Coffee is delicious." Pepper said. "Thank you!!" Nadine said loudly, grinning. I put my hands up in defeat. "Y'all are crazy. Coffees gross. Dr. Pepper is superior." They both shook their heads. "Alright you dorks, stop the coffee debate for now. I got a text from Tomatoes. She found a spot where the rebellion is hiding and could be one of their big bases." We all look at each other. "When we leaving?" I ask. "In a few hours." Alexi said. "Okay." I said. I looked at Pepper. "Do you want to come?" She nodded. "Okay then. You," I pointed at Pepper, "are going to Dutch braid my hair after we get dressed. So go get dressed, and meet here back here soon. I already stocked your closet, if you don't like them we can fix it later." She nodded, and we both left the room.

 We both came back quickly, Nadine was no longer in the kitchen when we did. I sat on the floor and Pepper sat on the couch. "Tight as you can." I said, and she began. She braided quickly, and and I handed her elastics when she got to the ends. "Thank youuu." I said. Pepper smiled. "Of course." "Now, lets go teach you how to fire a pistol." I said. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside where our targets were. 

"You catch on fast," I said, watching her hit a near bulls-eye. "Thanks," She said. I looked at my watch. "And good timing too, we've gotta go in five minutes." She nodded. I reloaded her pistol, and gave it back to her. "That's yours now baby." She grinned. We walked back inside, where Nadine and Alexi were waiting. I grabbed my pistol, and my Apache revolver. I looked at Nadine. "Want yours?" I asked, lifting my revolver. "Hell yeah." She said. (An Apache revolver is a weapon from early 1900s. French gangsters used them. It functions as a revolver (gun) a knife, and brass knuckles.) Since I had my revovler, I didn't put on my brass knuckles. We looked at eacher other. "You ready?" Alexi asked Pepper. She nodded. "I think I'll be okay."  She said. I nodded. "Let's go then." Nadine said. We walked out of the house, and into our garage, then into our car.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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