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A bunch of randoms headcanons about them and sleep and stuff like that. If you have any more headcanons I'd love to hear them!

Amir's internal alarm clock wakes up early but despite that he hates mornings

When Rupert wakes up in the mornings he's always confused for a good minute but after he realizes he's actually awake he gets hyper

Rupert gets super stubborn if he doesn't get enough sleep

Both of them were weird about cuddling at first but they got over it pretty quick

Then it became a problem during summer seasons when both of them were too hot but were too stubborn to move away

Rupert sleepwalked a lot as a child so Lavina was nervous he would do that again while he was still in the evil forest

Amir 100% spent a few nights sleeping in the same bed as Atossa when he got nightmares as a little kid

Both Amir and Rupert will stay up late if they are working on a project or reading a book

They read bedtime stories to Porridge

Porridge loves it

Amir doesn't mind Fitzroy or Porridge on the bed but Rupert is really careful about too much dirt

They sneak out for midnight snacks after stressful days and have managed to scare exactly two(!) nighttime watches/guards this way

They sometimes get nightmares after the whole 'you gotta go out and save everybody' thing and they always talk it out with each other

"Amir I just got this idea and if we don't go do it right now I'll literally explode-"

They like looking at constellations on clear nights

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