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After getting back they decided to actually start seeing plays and find that they aren't that

bad but Barbaras really left a bad taste in their mouth.

They still try to visit the theatre

(and they're gay and it kind of grows on them)

Amir finds that he's really into music and Rupert hearing Amir sing

Amir sings for Rupert a lot after that

Rupert says thinks it's the most romantic thing

Rupert is really into art but is really shy about it and when Amir found out he was pretty starry-eyed

Rupert drawing Amir from a distance and has a sketchbook of just Amir being an absolutely gorgeous

They like going hiking together but never go very far

Amir found out that Rupert had some pretty strong fashion morals the hard way

(Amir has never seen Rupert in a hat ;-;)

Amir gets really passionate about projects and ideas and Rupert is just fucking whipped all the time because of it

Rupert never grew out of his rebellious phase and eventually dragged Amir into it

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