Chapter 1

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It was as if everything had slowed down. The loud chants and cheers of the crowds dimmed to mere echoes, as the sound of the ball hitting the wooden floor rang through her ear drums. Her eyes traveled up to the scoreboard with furrowed brows. 

They were losing--42 to 41. 

The point guard yelled out a play name and for a moment she almost forgot. The ball was passed to her and she immediately knew what to do. Gripping the ball hard, she faked a pass to the right and smiled to herself, as her jumpy defensive player reached over to the right giving her an easy, empty trail straight to the basket. 

The chanting of the crowd increased. 


Her breathing fastened and she dribbled the ball, dodging every one of the defense's attempts of blocking her. 


She was there--


--and she went up, ending with the perfect layup. The buzzer rang and she watched the 1 on the scoreboard flicker to a 3. 

Her teammates pulled her into a hug, listening to the cheers of the cheerleading team.

"Betty!" It was Archie Andrews, her boyfriend. The blonde managed to pry away from her teammates and ran to him. "Jesus, you were incredible out there," He said wrapping his arms around her comparatively fragile body. 

"Thanks baby," Betty replied, as her boyfriend let go of her. It was only then did Betty notice the raven-haired boy standing next to Archie. He wasn't doing anything, just awkwardly standing and occasionally looking up to give Betty a glance.

Archie seemed to have noticed Betty's confusion because he patted the stranger's back, indicating an introduction. "This is Jughead Jones. He's from London, but he's staying with my family for a year. His parents and my parents are apparently really tight or something, so he'll be starting school with us tomorrow." 

Betty smiled and held out her hand, "Oh wow...well it's nice to meet you, Jughead." There eyes met and she noticed how bright his blue-green eyes looked with his pale skin and dark hair. 

His hand gradually reached her's and he shook it. "Yeah, you too." His voice was that deep, rough kind that would give you butterflies, but what surprised Betty was the lack of an accent. "Don't you have an accent?" She raised an eyebrow and Jughead smiled at her. 

"I've only lived in London for the past year or so, but my family used to live in the States before that." Silence had taken over them, but the two continued to stare at each other for some strange reason. His eyes glanced over her messy hair and took in every detail of her body, as she did the same to his. 

"Babe--" Archie interrupted and Betty turned her attention back to her boyfriend. Betty bit the inside of her cheek, observing Jughead from the corner of her eye. "--go get changed. I'll drop you home."  

"No, it's fine Arch. The girls are going out for pizza," Betty said, looking down at the time on her phone. "I have to get going anyways. I'll see you later, baby." Archie reached down placing a kiss on her cheek. 

Walking back to the locker room, Betty felt guilt digging into her stomach. 

Had she just checked out a guy in front of her boyfriend? 

Her bag slung on her right shoulder suddenly felt heavier than usual, but she shrugged off the feeling and walked into the locker room. A series of compliments were yelled out to her by cheerleaders and teammates to which Betty just smiled. 

She walked over to the edge, beside a black-haired cheerleader and dropped her bag onto the bench. "Hey V." 

 Veronica looked up, already out of her uniform and wearing her everyday clothes. "Betty! That lay up at the end was a-mazing!" 

Betty giggled, pulling off her basketball uniform and replacing it with the clothes in the bag. "Thanks." 

The loud chattering in the room slowly disappeared, as everyone headed out to their cars. It was night by then and the girls had separated into different cars to drive down to their local pizza place. 

Betty rolled down her window slightly, letting the breeze hit her face. 

Jughead Jones...Jughead...It's a strange name, isn't it? 

She smiled at the thought and ran her free hand through her blonde waves. They had only met a half an hour ago, but Betty couldn't stop thinking of him

Had she gone crazy? 


[New bughead story! I hope you guys liked it.]

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