Night #10

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It is 10:45am.

The screen fades into the camera footage of the living room.

The doorbell rings.

Nicole is seen rushing downstairs to open the door.

"Hi, Nikki and Sharmine. It's nice seeing you two today! Did you get the materials for the project? Yeah i got the hydrogen peroxide."
Nicole excitedly said.

"Woah! Your new house looks crazy! Thank god you and your siblings didn't move schools after moving houses." Nikki said.

"So, let's go to your Dad's office room and start setting up the base of the project and after that we do it outside. Also the teacher said we needed to record a video so use your phone or a camera to record." Sharmine said.

The screen cuts to the hallway camera footage.

Nicole, Sharmine and Nikki are seen walking towards Nicole's dad's office.

The screen cuts to Sam's handheld camera footage.

"Damien, click on this link. It says "How demons manage to possess and kill people."
Let's read it." Sam says.

"You cannot run from demons, they will follow you. It may lay dormant for years. Some things or events may trigger it to become more active and over time more persistent unexplained events could happen even more. Demon's love getting peoples attention, the more you pay attention to it, the more worse the activity will get. Demon's also feed on people's fear, the more scared you are, the worse it's gonna get. If you try to exorcise the demon out of an individual or try to exterminate and cast it back to hell, it will only make the situation worse." Sam reads.

"What do we do? Dad called a priest the other day, Mom told me he was called "Father Tom", He is gonna arrive on next Wednesday and it's already Sun-" Damien nervously says as he suddenly gets interrupted by Sharmine opening the door.

"Can you both tune it down a little? Not trying to come off as rude or impolite but we are trying to focus on our project and we all is a piece of paper saying that we should focus but we aren't because you guys are talking loudly." Sharmine says.

"Okay, Sharmine." Damien says.

"Thanks." Sharmine replies as she closes the door.

"So basically we are 100% going to die if we try to exterminate it, we are also going to die if we do nothing.. So we have come full circle, we die either way.." Sam said.

"We have to make sure it's a fucking demon! We can't just jump to conclusions!" Damien said.

"Here hold my camera and record this." Sam says as he passed the camera to Damien.

"Now, record the computer." Sam says.

"How to tell if hauntings are being  caused by spiritual or demonic presence" Sam searches.

"Here. Let's see this link." Sam says.

"Okay, I guess?" Damien says.

"Hauntings by spirits or demons have big differences. Spirits are just souls of humans that have passed away. Demon's are entities with strong unprecedented power they are practically made out of the two words "evil" and "horrible". If it's a spiritual haunting, it may last a few days, humans themselves can contact these spirits and debate with them. Spirits have a reason to do hauntings. If the hauntings are persistent, it's usually a demonic presence." Sam said.

"Its clear that the hauntings have been really persistent..." Sam said.

"So we are being haunted by a demon??" Damien said.

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