Chapter 1

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Lord Tourettes was skipping around outside, laughing happily. "Haha! Oh what a- FUCKING SHITTY day!!!" He giggled as he kept skipping around.

"Hey Lord Tourettes!" Blue called as he waved.

"Oh why hello- SHIT HEAD!!!" Lord Tourettes walks up to him.

"How have you been?" Blue asked.

"Great!! You?" Lord Tourettes asks.

"Okay. Red has been super damn annoying.. as usual." Blue sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh my! Yes Red is a bit of a- COCK HEAD!!!"

"Hehe! You can say that again!" Blue chuckled.

Lord Tourettes sticks his tongue out and giggles. "Well I must go! Nice chatting with you- ASSHOLE!!!" He then skipped away.

"See ya!" Blue smiled as he waved.

Lord Tourettes continued to skip away as he hummed and giggled. After skipping for at least 15 minutes, he was stopped and ran into someone in the park as they rolled down a hill. Lord Tourettes jumped off whoever he had bumped into.

He sat up, "I'm so very sorry! I didn't- FUCKING mean to run into you like that!"

"It's fine!" She said as she sat up.

Lord Tourettes looked at her and he gasped a bit.

The female stick figure was a hot darkish pink, and she had one sided curly hair. She looks at him confused, "What?.."

"You.. are so- FUCKING beautiful!" Lord Tourettes responded.

"Uh.. thanks.. but you do you have to scream 'fucking'?" She asked.

"Well you see I have- SHITTY tourettes that make me yell- COCK SUCKING swear words." He responded again.

"Oh, Coprolalia." She said.

"Yes, that- SHITTY, COCK SUCKING, ASS of a thing!" Lord Tourettes giggled and stuck his tongue out.

"I'm sorry about that.." she giggled.

"It's no problem! I've been living with for all my- FUCKING WORTHLESS life anyways!!!" Lord Tourettes giggled again, "what's your name?"

"Hope. Yours?"

"Lord Tourettes!"

"Wait, your name is actually Lord Tourettes?!"


"That's... that's kinda weird.." Hope got up and helped Lord Tourettes up.

"I guess.. so uh... may I have you- GOD DAMN number?!" Lord Tourettes asked.

"You tryn'a get a date?" Hope asked.

"Maaaaaybe" he giggled.

"I just met ya! I'll give you my number but friends only! Okay?"

"Alright! Haha!"

Hope smiles a bit and gave Lord Tourettes her number. Lord Tourettes laughs in joy, "thank you very- FUCKING much!!!"

"You're welcome- shit! I'm late for work!" Hope said as she ran off.

"Oh no- I'm sorry!!!" He called out.

"It's okay!!! Text me later on tonight!!!" She yelled as she continued to run off.

Lord Tourettes chuckles and skips off while humming. He started to skip towards Red and Blue's apartment. Once he got their he knocked on the door all cheerful and bundled with joy. Red was in his room looking for the perfect boobs.

"Blue you get it I'm busy!!!" Red called out.

Blue groans, "faaaaaaaaaaaack!" He walks up to the door and opens it, "Lord Tourettes, what are you doing here?"

"You won't believe what- FUCKING happened today- COCK HEAD!!!" Lord Tourettes giggled and walked inside.

"Yeah? What happened?" Blue asked.

" I got me a girl with big- TITS! She's beautiful!"

"Tits?" Red ran out his room and went to Lord Tourettes and Blue, "tits you say?!"

"Why yes, but shes- FUCKING MINE COCK HEAD!!! You got that?" Lord Tourettes asks as he smiled.

"Whoa, okay dude, pshh, calm down!" Red laughs, "I'm just messing with cha!"

"Wonderful!" Lord Tourettes laughed.

"Nice one man!" Blue smiled.

"Thank you! She may be a little hard to crack open, but I'm sure I'll get her to be my- BITCH soon!"

"So you're in the friend zone?" Blue asks.

"Yep! But I'm gonna try and get her interested in my- COCK soon enough!"

"Just take it kinda slow man. You don't wanna rush into it. Otherwise you may ruin your chance." Blue nods.

"But Red always-"

"Never mind what Red does." Blue groans.

"Don't worry Lord T! I pick the fun ones and Blue just picks the simple ones. With my advice you'll be having sex in no time!" Red nods.

"Oh you- SHITTY person! Haha!"

"No, no, no! Don't do anything that Red does!" Blue said in panic.

"Oh don't worry boys! I've- FUCKED a bear and a huge BITCH WITH BIG TITS in the past! I'm sure Hope won't be to hard to get in my- COCK!!!" Lord Tourettes then skipped away laughing.

Red and Blue watched him skip away.

"... should we follow him?" Red asks.

"Why don't you just call Stacy? I'm sure she can help you with how horny you are.." Blue groans and walks inside.

"Yo right!!! Where's my phone?" Red asks as he walks in after him.

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