Chapter 2

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"Okay LT... you have to be cool! Get this- FUCKING CUNT under control would you!" Lord Tourettes said to himself as he walked around trying to find Hope's work place.

After a few hours of walking around he found her working in an office. He giggled and pressed his body up against the window and looked at her with a cute sweet smile. Hope was having her break time and talking to a few ot hjer girls in there. Lord Tourettes was about to go say hi till he saw his ex-wife. His eyes grew wide as his ex-wife went to Hope and started talking to her.

Lord Tourettes remembered how he came home to his ex-wife cheating on him with Broseph. LT teared up as he backed away from the building. Hope then looked up and saw LT. She tilted her head confused. LT noticed she was looking at him, he backed up even more and spazzed out, "c-c-c-c-c- f-f-f- FUCK!!!" He then ran off, crying hard. Hope walks outside and watched him run off.

"Hope! Get back inside!" Her boss demanded.
Hope sighs and walks back inside.

Lord Tourettes kept running and crying till he bumped into Broseph. LT looked up at him as Broseph pushed him to the ground. "Watch it you little idiot!!!" Broseph growled. LT got up. "You... you..." Lord Tourettes tried calming himself down but instead, he punched Broseph across the face hard.

Broseph fell to the floor, "Hey what the fuck ass hole?!?!" He hissed.

"You.. ruined my- FUCKING LIFE YOU COCK SUCKER!!!!" Lord Tourettes cried as Broseph lifted himself up.

Broseph chuckled, " Yep I seem to do that a lot. But, it's not my fault I'm better then you!"

Lord Tourettes snapped, his eyes turned red and he started to spazz out, "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!! YOU WORTHLESS PETTY FULL OF YOURSELF LOSER!! YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING YOU HAVE- YOU DESERVE TO BE DEAD!!!" He huffed.

Blue and Red were walking down the road, they heard LT go off at Broseph and they watched for a bit. Broseph rolled his eyes as Lord Tourettes started laughing insanely, "and I'll make sure of that!" He giggled. Lord Tourettes then jumped on Broseph and tried to rip his head off, but Broseph fought back, he punched him in the face and kicked him on the road as a car stopped where Lord Tourettes landed. LT looked at the car a little scared as he crawled back up on the foot path.

Broseph started to beat the shit out of LT. Lord Tourettes kept trying to rip at least something off but Broseph was to strong, "you're crazy dude!!!" Broseph growled. Blue and Red ran over to them, Red kneeing Broseph in the face and Bluebhelped Lord Tourettes up.

"Get the fuck out of here loser!" Red huffed.
"Bro, he started it." Broseph rolled his eyes and walked off.
"Fucking wiiiiiiiimp!" Red called out.

Blue looked at Lord Tourettes and laid a hand on his shoulder, "dude, you okay-" Blue tried asking but LT pushed him away.

"Don't TOUCH me!!!" He sobbed and ran off, still crying.

"Jeesh what's that fuckers problem?" Red asks.

"It's probably the fact that he was cheated on and was discovered!" Blue answered.

"Oh right- but that happened almost a year ago!" Red groaned.

"Yeah but it'd still be horrible. Plus you have memories of it as well. And Lord Tourettes is quite sensitive.." Blue said.

"Uh huh, sure. Come on let's go get something to eat I'm starved!" Red then walked off. Blue groans and follows him.

Lord Tourettes ran to the bottle shop. LT quickly got inside, grabbed a carton of beer, a bottle of whisky and rum. He then went up to the cashier, paid for the drinks and started to run home, still crying.

Once he got to his house, he ran to the bathroom and started to drink the bottle of whisky. "Oh goodness.. this really does take the- FUCKING PAIN AWAY!!" He whimpered as he continued drinking.

That night

Broseph was at home with a bunch of his girlfriend's. Not to mention that Lord Tourettes ex-wife was also there. Broseph told nhis slutty girlfriends on what happened but lied about most if it.

"Oh Broseph, you are so braze~" one of them moaned.

"Yeah, but I wanna get some sweet revenge on him!" Broseph laughed.

"We can help!" The sluts said.

"Right on! So girls, what you thinking? Hey LT's ex! What you wanna do to him since he was your husband for a while?" Broseph asked.

The big titted woman turned around, "What he did to me.. lock him in a dungeon! And.. play, with him. If you know what I'm hinting at!"

Broseph laughed, "yes baby girl."

Hope had gotten home. She tried to call Lord Tourettes a few times but he had passed out in his bathroom.

Hope sighed and left a voice mailing, saying: "hey... Lord Tourettes.. I hope you are okay. I saw you crying. Heh, I know we've only just met but I'm always here if you need to talk to anyone.. call me back."

She then set her phone down and went to bed. 

The next morning.

Lord Tourettes had been woken up by the sound of knocking on his door. He groaned, got up and opened to door. Blue was there, "whoa man! You look really fucked up.." Blue said concerned.

"I'm- FUCKING fine- SHIT HEAD!!!" Lord Tourettes responded, "just a little bit hung over, that's all."

"Are you feeling alright since that beating?" Blue asks.

"I'm fine- MOTHER FUCKER!!!" Lord Tourettes reassured him. He then rubbed his head in pain. "Ugh! I shouldn't have drank so much..."

"Want me to take care of you for the day dude?" Blue asks.

"No no. I'm absolutely- GOD DAMN fine Blue.. go and enjoy your day.." Lord Tourettes responded as he walked back inside of his house and laid on his bed. Blue sighed and started to walk back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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