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In her shared dorm room, Hermione sat upright on her comfortably warm bed. She was halfway through her novel. An exciting plot in the story was approaching.

"Turn it off, Hermione! I really am exhausted! It's the first day! Leave the books alone!", whined Ginny, almost half-asleep. Hermione sharply turned her head to where Ginny lay. Just as she was about to plead with Ginny, an intelligent idea occurred to her. She propped off her bed and headed out the dorm room, out the common room and into the wide and dark hallways of the Hogwarts school. 

"Lumos", she whispered, with a gentle stroke of her wand. A white light rose from the tip of Hermione's pine-wooded wand. Blindly, she walked toward the Room of Requirement at the other end of the castle. With her head burrowed in the words of her book, she strode quietly amidst the dark.

A faint rustling from behind a pillar startled her and she came to a sudden stop. Still in her night robes, she carefully crept forwards in an alert manner towards the pillar. 

"Homenum Revelio", she declared in a tiny, scared voice. Behind the pillar, the supple figure of a certain Slytherin came into focus. 

"Draco, I see you. Come out.", sighed Hermione in an annoyed way. With the bookmarked novel still resting in Hermione's hand, Draco stepped out from behind the massive pillar and turned to face Hermione. Even though the two were six feet apart, the faint light from Hermione's wand illuminated Draco's manly facial features. The delicate white brightness seemed to create a shadowy but defined look on Malfoy's face. He looked dangerously powerful in the dim spotlight. Hermione took in a sharp breath and obviously gulped.

"What are you doing roaming Hogwarts' halls at midnight? Certainly not to meet with any secret admirer, Granger?", smirked Draco. He huskily stepped forwards towards the already-flushed muggle. Draco was now standing over Hermione, though she was tall enough that she could feel his hot, heavy breaths on her delicately tinted cheek. The Slytherin again displayed a coy simper. He seemed to be enjoying how huffed Hermione had gotten. He set his eyes on her fragrant hair. Had she straightened it?

"Obviously not, Malfoy", stated Hermione with a disgusted tone, ignoring Draco's sheepish grin,"I was simply in need of the Room of Requirement to read my book in silence and proper lighting. I might ask, what are you doing here?" It occurred to Hermione that perhaps Draco had just now arrived. According to Ron, Draco was supposed to arrive a day late. Maybe he had turned up a little earlier than expected. Well, she was about to find out.

"I arrived a little later than previously expected", he calmly stated while Hermione pretended to be surprised,"I was just going up to my dorm, my suitcase and owl are expecting me ba-" He was cut off by a voice at the end of the hall.

"Malfoy, Granger, why are you both out of your dorms?", erupted the authoritarian voice of Professor McGonagall "This unorthodoxy will not go unnoticed. Now, I suggest you return to your sleeping quarters and tomorrow, you shall join the elves in the Hogwarts kitchen as a means of detention. Adding on to the former, ten points each will be deducted from your houses. Are we clear?", 

Granger anxiously opened her mouth to explain (and hopefully not end up after school with Draco), "I was simpl-", McGonagall cut her off again, this time with a wave of a hand. Guiltily, Hermione withdrew her intention. Draco fixed himself and with one long stride , as if semanticating the action as a headstart, he escorted himself to his sleeping dormitory. 

  The very next day, the students gathered in the Great Hall for a meal of breakfast. As Hermione quietly munched on her toast (opposed to the Weasley, who rather loudly was gobbling up a turkey leg), her eyes searched for a certain platinum-blonde head. Her scavenge was interrupted by a triad tramping down the partition between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables. Draco Malfoy and his two minions, Crabbe and Goyle marched down the aisle that was in front of Hermione, so that there was a row of people between them. They came over to where Harry was seated (in the row that separated Draco and Hermione). Draco steadily bent down.

"Morning, Potter", snarled Draco, and spat out the last word. He turned his head towards Hermione, and eyed her up and down. His eyes seemed to soften at the very hint of Hermione's image and his snarl had vanished . He gave her the same smirk he'd given her last night, then proceeded to his table.

During the length of breakfast, Hermione would frequently catch sight of Draco's stormy grey orbs secretly directing his gaze towards her. Whenever she'd turn her head to check on him, he'd immediately look the opposite direction. Smiling to herself, she listened to what Ronald was discussing, though her half her mind was dwelling on another matter entirely..

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