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Hermione anxiously stood in front of the gigantic doors of Hogwarts' kitchen. Considering how tiny elves were, the purpose of the gates' sizeableness was nonexistent. She was waiting for the elven head chef. You see, she'd been ordered detention for staying past curfew (unintentionally, of course!) with a fellow Slytherin. That certain Slytherin, Draco Malfoy was expecting the chores as well. He stood nonchalantly, leaning his broad shoulders against the pine of the doorway, his eyes watching, savoring Hermione in an intoxicated fashion. She was, as always, reading a book, her soft hair drizzling on the thin pages crowded with printed ink. He noticed it wasn't the same novel as she was reading right before their encounter yesterday night. He remembered the way her cheekbones glistened in the heavenly luminescence of her wand. It was euphoric. For the five minutes the both had been standing there, she hadn't even acknowledged him! Her focus resided on the letters written on her book. This planted an urge in Malfoy to mischieve.

He pretended to clear his throat. "Ahem". Hermione's head cocked a bit to the side. Nevertheless, her eyes still followed the wording. Draco was now more frustrated her attention wasn't fixated on himself. On a quick impulse, just to see how livid she would get, he pulled out his wand.

"Accio Book", he declared with a smirk etched across the bottom of his face. The book flew from the warmth of her hands into his own. He lifted his head to look at the Gryffindor. Her eyes throwing daggers, her mouth open. Everything about her expression displayed a clear message- "You.Did.not". Quite pleased with himself, Draco leaned forward, shaking the object, as if to tease Hermione. "Come and get it".

"Give it back.", she ordered, in a whiny tone.

"No, I don't think so", he coyly suggested, his sneer very much visible.

Hermione stepped forward when at the same time, Draco held the book behind him. The scene seemed as if the two were in the playground, kids flirting and taunting each other. He might as well have pulled her pigtails. Taking advantage of the fact being Hermione was shorter than he was, he held it up above his head. Hermione huffed, her cheeks flushed and colored. She glared into his eyes, her head tilted upward so their gaze could meet. At this, Draco took a sharp breath in. He noticed the proximity of them, how close they were. How their bodies seemed to fuse together. He noticed how warm her body was, how comforting, how cozy, how homey, how-

"Students!", a high-pitched voice announced. "I apologize for the nasty delay." Simultaneously, both pupils whooshed their heads towards the voice. It was the head chef, his head down, facing his bag, fumbling for something, perhaps the keys. Immediately, the two untangled themselves from each other. Their faces resembled the exact tones of a rose. The elf waddled to the door, key finally in hand, and inserted it in a keyhole at the very bottom, so he was able to reach it. He heaved the door open. 

Draco and Hermione stared in awe. The kitchen of Hogwarts was... simply magnificent! Glossy silverware, faint music erupting from the ceiling, tabletops and shelves made out of gold truly was a sight. The book still resting between Draco's fingers, he stepped in. 

"Right, you two, you'll be doing the dishes", the elf hurriedly declared. With two claps, elves burst from the (completely invisible) tiny doors at the other end of the kitchen and began at the stovetops. The head chef pushed them towards the sink, towards the dirty dishes, and hastily left to direct the elven cooks.

Draco and Hermione stared at the pile of dishware in front of them. Hermione cleared her throat. "Well, let's get to work, shall we?". Draco nodded, but not without his signature half-smirk. They wore their provided aprons. Draco quickly rushed to the towels. "Sorry, 'Mione, guess you'll be washing and I drying.", he teasingly stated. Granger gave him a hushed scowl and turned on the tap.

After five minutes, the two were growing bored. It was the same procedure, Hermione takes a plate from the racks, washes it, hands it to Malfoy, he dries it and places it on the clean-dish rack. At least five times, their fingers touched when delivering the plates. One of them would feebly mumble a "Sorry" or "My bad" when that happened. 

Hermione began swaying her hips and softly humming. Draco gave her a questioning expression. She grinningly rolled her eyes and replied "It's my favorite ballroom song. It's the one they taught us girls for the Yule Ball.", a large smile plastered across the width of her face. Malfoy laughed playfully. 

"You? Dance? Not a chance.", he light-heartedly stated. 

"You want to see?"

"Please. Enlighten me." He extended his arms in a waltz- position. Hermione, wanting to prove herself, took his hand and engulfed herself in his arms. With the music guiding the two, they danced in unison. When the note changed, Draco held her by the waist and she dipped. Hermione giggled. She sounded genuine. They carried on, both following the dance procedure. They were laughing, giggling, twirling. He playfully spinned her, and she followed. Their steps and movements were in perfect harmony, as though they'd practiced years and years together. At the ending notes of the symphony, he picked her up by the waist and she put her arms up. He lowered her, and they chuckled.

"What's all this laughter I hear? Those dishes must be cleaned by the end of the day!", the elven voice shouted from behind the rack. They both muttered their apologies and went back to their station. 

As Draco was placing the plate he had just wiped on the rack, he accidentally placed it on the other side, where the sink was. It plopped into the water and splashed the liquid on Hermione. She stared in shock, her mouth open, but displaying a grin. She scoffed and turned to him. Draco pointed and laughed hilariously, it was pretty funny. She took some water in her hands and splattered it on him. His expression resembled Hermione's. This time, she burst into laughter. 

"You're gonna pay for that.", he mischievously grinned. Simultaneously, the two began splashing water at each other. Their chortling louder than ever, they were teasing each other.

"Don't you do that! Don't you- HAHAHA", Hermione yelled between her laughs.

Needless to say, this went on for a long time, and they did get their chores done in time, through the help of Hermione's broad knowledge of spells.

Disclaimer: PLEASE VOTE!!! Image from Harry Potter Goblet of Fire Bloopers 


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