Chapter 2

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After I had put my sister on her bus, my mom had already left for work. I decided to take a mental health break off school for the day.

Thankfully, my best friend, Mariah, had taken off the day as well. I don't think I introduced myself yet, but I'm Allyson. Names mean nothing to me, honestly. They label you and I hate that.

Mariah agreed to come and pick me up and drive us to the mall, retail therapy if you will.

There are days where I love the mall, and days where I dislike it. I love the rush and crowdedness of it. How everyone spends so much time on one thing. What I dislike on occasion is the focusing of one object, its complicated. My head is complicated.

Back to reality. I tend to do that, get distracted I mean. Thats what I love. My mind can and will focus on many different things, multitasking. Gift and a curse, I suppose.

Mariah had picked me up in her black benz, ripping around corners. We blasted Demi Lovato on the radio, both of our favorite musicians. Shes special, very.

As we drifted closer to the mall, I started to wonder. If Edgar Allen Poe hadn't gone through that in his life, would he still be as talented? I had hoped so, I would not know how to act if that man hadn't written.

We got to the mall, lurking around the stores. Suddenly, I heard a scream. Mariah told me to run and follow the shouting, me being more athletic. As I ran, I wondered what was happening.

Then I saw it, a women being attacked at an ally behind the mall. I was stunned, frozen even, on what to do. Don't you dare make a 'Let It Go' remark, readers, resist.

Now was not the time, Allyson. I raced over, not knowing to go for the women or the attacker.

"Hey! Dude, what the fuck? Get away from her!" I shouted, trying to get his attention.

I guess I startled him, he ran away. The women, on the floor obviously scarred, kept her head towards the ground. I could hear her silent cries, and I felt her pain. I knew what it felt like to be so alone, and sad. She could have gotten seriously hurt by this, thankfully I came through.

"Hey, I'm not too great at cheering people up, but I can try. I'm Allyson, i'd love to know your name?"

"I'm Demi."

And that my friends, is when I realized I was not talking to some random girl.


I'll update at 200 reads and 1 vote, thanks for reading!

Twitter: @dollhouselovato

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